Nothing extravagant, if bored 120’s want to kill lvl 20’s in Goldshire, then more power to them, each to their sad own I guess, but there should be some discouragement for this.
I’d suggest actually beefing the guards up in all areas to 120 and make them an actual threat to max lvl players. As it is, even in BFA there are no safe havens, as the guards everywhere are a joke and are no real deterrent, especially to the mythic+ and heroic raider fraternity.
Addittionally, stop the abuse of self-heal mechanics by max lvl players on low lvl mobs. Warriors and Demon Hunters come to mind. You can’t even get rid of these guys with other 120’s as they just run round bashing low lvl npc’s and healing to full with Leech and Victory Rush. The heals should be proportional to the hp of the mob attacked.
Inb4 the, “just turn WM off” fanbois.