As you notice in the video, the camera does not turn itself to your forward position when moving, rather it locks in a random direction. (notice when the cursor is visible, it’s when I’m not controlling the camera) As if the camera controller have become separate from the player controller.
This is a bug that is triggered by any vehicle including dragon flight. And has been in the game since vehicles were introduced back in Wrath.
And no, this is not an issue with addons or my hardware. It’s been on every computer i’ve owned since wrath, every OS, every expansion fresh or with addons.
So, to me, this looks completely normal, except for that one moment where it snapped back for once. Because that’s how I play it.
I think the reason this hasn’t been noticed is that the first thing pretty much every player does, Blizzard included I imagine, is to turn this off so the camera indeed stays in its angle when you move.
My suggestion to you is to get used to it - not because bugs shouldn’t be fixed of course, I do hope they fix it, but because doing so straight up makes you better at the game after you’re used to it. It lets you move in ways that are otherwise near impossible - for example you can run away while looking at the mobs following you while finding the right one to target.
And I think that fact is the reason why it hasn’t been noticed for this long. Nobody uses this feature, even though it’s the default. It’s one of the many, many reasons WoW is having trouble getting new players - insane defaults like this one.
It’s very clearly a bug cause it triggers only after using vehicles. Nearly every time i move the camera the direction it snaps to changes to a random one.
Is 1600 DPI high? But even then i did not have anything fancy years back when the issue still existed.
As said, this never happens unless i have used a vehicle. And vehicles clearly use a different camera control system than we have in normal play. So it has to be some residual settings from the vehicle camera controller that persists even after exiting.
And i do recall someone mention another camera bug due to cursor but I’m fairly certain that is a whole different issue.
I have always hated this bug, but I have learned what triggers it and how to untrigger it. Shame I can’t remember exactly what I do(mostly a muscle memory thing), but to me it happens when I hold either left or right mousebutton while turning the camera or my character. I do this unintentionally. Never noticed it with viechles.
To fix it again, I do something through muscle memory. Can’t really tell what, but had it happen so many times I randomly learned how to unlock it after getting very annoyed one too many times… It is possible I do the same thing again.
The trigger is any vehicle. The fix is unfortunately /reload only.
Clicking both mouse buttons just aligns the camera with the player direction, it doesn’t fix whatever it is that makes those go out of sync again so any change in camera direction can desync it again.
Haven’t touched that setting ever so it should be default. And i’ve encountered this bug in pretty much every expansion.
That’s precisely the biggest issue with this bug. It’s subtlety. You have most likely encountered it on numerous occasions, but just assumed it was nothing more than your hand or cursor slipping.
The goblin intro seems like a decently reliable place to replicate it, though still not guaranteed. So could recommend you to try and get it from there (while collecting tmogs if you got no goblins).
For me it’s triggered when I do something with my mouse while playing. It does not get triggered by viechles in my case.
I can turn the camera in another direction than my character just fine, but occationally this bug happens when I do this, because I accidently do something extra while turning it. I just can’t pinpoint exactly what, which is a bit annoying.
Apparently there is another camera bug but it might be related to mouse DPI or something. Think this one were addressed by devs however. Unlike the vehicle one.