Fix the ‘Fistful of Love’ and ‘Let it snow’ achievements not giving credit.
Three different Night Elf Priests > Click stupid Rose Petals > NO CREDIT x3
… yes they are STANDING STILL…
… yes I am TARGETING them…
… no they’re not using any race/appearance changing toys/items…
I had the same exact thing happen with the Winter achievements and it just pissed me off to the point it drained all my energy from even bothering to get the rest of the winter achievements.
I reported something regarding the Community Finder about ummm 3 years back, the only response I got was ‘Create a US Account and file bug report on US forums’.
Yeah, no thanks.
For the record, the issue is still there. Even though some on the US forums reported it as well.
Both go to the same place essentially. It doesn’t matter if you bug report in game or go and take part in the US forum. It really isn’t worth making a US starter to post there. It isn’t any more useful than the in game bug report.
There is a priority with bugs ofc and the ease of fixing things depends on how easily they can replicate the issues. I’m still waiting to be able to untick ‘ignore this tab’ in my warbank because it wont respect the setting
I’m well aware bugs are fixed by developers, thank you. And yes, I understand that reporting a bug in-game is the priority, but why not report it to CS as well? Someone from Blizzard will see it and can forward it to the devs, so I don’t see any harm in posting it there too.
Not sure what kind of priorities they’re working with, but some quests are bugged for years. The issues with Community Finder I reported have been bugged for years and reported by others before me.
Some of the issues:
Blank spaces without a player name but it shows a race/level in the community list.
Unable to turn off the Cross-realm community because supposedly there’s an opposite faction player in the community, plot-twist after scrolling through members 100 times, there is not. People being unable to find your community because they have to manually select Cross-realm in a dropdown menu before searching makes this quite an annoyance.
Constant scrolling of the community screen when someone comes online, try to scroll in any 500+ member community member list and it will eventually reset to top or other position.
Inadvertently removing the wrong person BECAUSE you click remove and it automatically scrolls up at the same time because of someone coming online. For some reason while you initially right click the correct player, the remove option is used on someone else entirely due to this.
Even just created new characters on my 2nd account and it simply doesn’t want to register the petals, it just throws them back on myself.
CS do not deal with bugs, they do not pass them on either. For those that really feel they have to write it on a forum can set up a US starter account and post on the US bug report forum. However it is no different to filing a bug report in game.
That’s what I did with the missing one’s, but two are not doable because they’re bugged. They simply just don’t credit because the petals are thrown on yourself instead of those characters.
I managed to workaround this thanks to some comment on Wowhead by sending the petals onto Warbank, creating those characters and using the warbank remote item to get the petals and use on myself.