Fix the nazjatar pvp event

yo blizzard i didnt turn on war mode to do pve events. bring back the old nazjatar pvp event as it was, fix your phasing system so that you dont have to use those sorry excuses for changes, or maybe even add more servers together so we dont need phasing all together, and stop catering to the endless waves of crybabies like u do every time. that is why we have this sorry state of wow today. that is all, ty.

or add mercenary mode or whatever. i didnt join nazjatar to kill naga commanders

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Then why did you comed to Nazjathar? aren’t you joining youre fellow hordes for leveling Mezzamere all the time?

tf is mezzamere dude. i came to nazjatar to do the pvp event and kill alliance. screw mezzamere whatever that is

Someone told he it will be a hotfix, when the shard got fair amount of players on both sides the event Will start.

But still, LFG Will f this up so good luck to them

aka never gonna happen because we all know how the sharding is. oh well war mode will fix it. bring back old pvp servers, and screw the boomers constantly crying about getting killed. reroll on a new server, dont screw it up for everyone else who actually likes engaging gameplay

Yepp 100% true i hope the Day Will Come, WM have been a big fail. Atleast on RP realms. Most hord players here dont have WM on and i needed to change to horde some days ago because my WPvP guild had a hard time getting fights.

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You really think its so fun to kill ppl in ratio like 16 to 1?

i couldnt care less how many or few of the alliance there are. if they are too few, too bad, get more ppl, but dont let me do a crappy elite naga event because of it

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I don’t care about your killing ally in Naz,you get anything but honour and useless achievements,but if you are so drilled up,then why don’t you go to Stormwind and kill yourself,there are far more ally then in Naz.
And now if you excuse me i need to do something else except going to Nazjathar,the horde childrens are camping our base again.

because the rewards are in nazjatar, duh. why tf would anyone go to sw in 2019.

You don’t want to know ,believe me.

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