Fix war mode unbalanced shards or delete warmode all together

im sick and tired of blizzard lazynes to fix this since warmode is implemented for certain realms and shard ITS LITERALLY IMPOSIBBLE to do anything with war mode on cause one faction is %99 and other is %1 in that realm so you are forever locked out from war mode cause your realm and faction choice is just bad.



I feel it’s pretty stupid as well.

I put on War Mode and go out into the world and only see Horde players.

There’s a crate? A handful Horde will be swarming it and I’m the lone Alliance.

Like, what’s the point even?!

You find some Horde player all on his lonesome and attack him, and after 10 seconds there’s another Horde player, now it’s 2v1. And 5 seconds later another one shows up. 3v1.

And it’s been that way since the start of the expansion.

Dragonflight was the same.

It’s such a terrible game experience.

And I’m sure on other shards it’s the opposite and you’re the lone Horde against a swarm of Alliance (although faction imbalance would dictate that Alliance tend to be the outnumbered, but still).

Blizzard developers suck for implementing War Mode and then not doing enough to ensure a meaningful game experience that is PvP oriented.


The first thought that comes to mind, is that War Mode brings balance and options to game-playing style and a better gaming experience. Bear in mind an equilibrium in most things is rarer than antimatter.

War mode brings nothing.
Its the same thing as layering.
People abuse that thing in world pvp.

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Well the tricky part is that you cannot force people to play with WM on if they don’t want to. This is simply a matter of balance and it’s not easy to fix.
For example there are many servers that are horde dominating and others that are Alliance. In mine (Tarren Mill ) we get the crate 99% of the time . The only way to fix this is probably merge of servers based on players that have wm on.

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