Fix World PvP Level scaling

So sick and tired of leveling toons where there are like 100 Hordes non-stop camping every freaking corner, why does the game punish lowbies to this degree? why not make World PvP for 110-119 and keep 120 to themselves?

farming lowbies with 0 chance and benefits gives nothing of value to either of the side…Not only does it lag the crap out of the game, but it makes it unplayable when NPC’s are dead 24/7, you die respawn as far away as possible from 15 Hordes just to think you’re safe and face another 30 Hordes…

Only thing this encourages is for people to disable PVP making it even less populated for the Alliance, you removed the 30%, you removed the items and pretty much spitting on the Alliance at every corner and normalizing things like this

and wonder WHY Alliance turns off the WPVP, or just leave the game all-together.

Here, you’ve likely encountered a counter-raid. When I’ve been doing the Assault, there have been at least 2 bounties (seen 4 up at most at once). I don’t know what you expected from Horde with Alliance just zerging around for hours.

Other than that, the % is 20, and there is still a 385 item quest (and don’t say “who even needs that” or something similar, we clearly see the spike in alliance wm activity when it came back).

But why not scale this with 120’s in their own realm and letting the 110-119 continue leveling rather than getting spawnkilled by an army of 120’s that only makes it unplayable? surely Blizz wants to leave a positive imprint and encourage people to partake in the end content? how could fight a 120 that will 1 shot you at 111 be concidered fun or encouraging people to use WM if it happens every 5 mins? what’s gonna happend is that they just piss people off where people will just flip them off to the point where they just disable WM and bury it under a legion of nopes.

Survival of the fittest! :slight_smile:

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