At a certain point the realm reaches maximum capacity, whether this is already so no one knows. To just close down 18 other server blades at a whim because it’s needed for a fad elsewhere is preposterous. There are players there too that may need to be rehomed and is a long procedure.
From SOD there’s atleast 5 other realms that are not locked at the moment of writing. Giving it another 3 PVP realms is highly unnecessary.
Therefore free transfers isn’t needed either.
If players continue to report botters they’ll be handled every banwave.
They even added 1 extra realm from 5 to 6 shortly after SOD launch named PVP Chaos Bolt which is at “High” and wrote this in advance:
just make it hapend some how or you will loosing monez thats all. i fif i will not ACCESS THIS SERVER TILL BEGGINNING JANUAARRZY I WILL GAVE UP AN APPLY REFUND FOR DECEMBER SERVER ACCESS CHALLENGE
No ones gonna move off living flame. None of these ideas will work, and havent worked lol. You seem to forget theyve tried this a 1000 times.
Players want to be on the most populated server. That is living flame. The people whove gotten there aeent gonna move to a server which wont survive lol.
At tbis point no new servers gonna live
No ones gonna leave the server. Everyones gonna try get into the server. Lol. You wont get a refjnd after the time is used .
Nearly two decades of WoW and it still has paid sub model. Even with crap expansion or games being called “wow killer”. Blizzard still doesn’t go bankrupt
Certainly they do not feel threatened by that statement.