Fixing Nightmare Incursions

Hello, since p4 is launching soon and we got PTR I would like to suggest an idea how to fix Nightmare Incursions. First let’s figure out the problems associated with it:

  1. Monotonous grind is boring, doing the same thing over and over again since level 25 up to level 50 is no better than a dungeon grind, like SM and ZF etc. A lot of people do it because it’s the most efficient gold wise and exp wise, yet they hate the experience of doing it.

  2. It is closed off in a relatively small zones, it kinda resembles a dungeon, thus a dungeon grind. You don’t travel the world as you would by normally questing, you don’t see other zones.

  3. The rewards are better than normal questing, as it also gives good pre-bis items for level 50.

I have few suggestions how they should be reworked, as in current state it drives a lot of people away from the game and I personally feel it’s not in the spirit of classic.

  1. Remove the repeatable quests. Turn it into a normal optional questing zone. Create a story associated with emerald dream. Once you do the quests, you’re done with that quest hub.

  2. You should get a lot of rep with completing those quests once and once you’re done with all 4 quest hub zones, you should be exalted and have the ability to buy the rewards. Or just give rewards as quest rewards for completing quests and opening up vendor option.

  3. Lower the amount of gold you get from those quests and exp. It should be on par with open world questing. Thus incursions should be an optional content. Once player completes those quests he can go back to the open world and continue leveling normally.

I am personally all up for new content for vanilla, but it should be in spirit of vanilla and inspired by vanilla quest design. Even though Nightmare Incursions are inspired by AQ quest design and farming commendations and rep with Cenarion Circle, a believe a lot of people also were not happy doing those as well. But that was end-game content that was not required by everyone and mostly for melee to get a good trinket.
I think what would work is adding at least 1-2 new quests to existing quest hubs in wow. For example new quest in Northshire Abbey, Goldshire, Eastvale Logging Camp, Sen`Jin Village and so on.

Constructive criticism is welcome. Why is my idea bad, good or what would you suggest?

i got a better idea: delete incursions

Very good suggestions imo. This would keep the incursions as new content in the game for leveling purpose without making the other content in the same level range irrelevant.

Would make one addition though, nerf the reputation gear set somewhat, but make it available already at earlier levels, so it is good for leveling, but doesn’t completely substitute gear from dungeons for those level ranges. Let’s say you’d get it at lvl 44, many classes who get armor class upgrades at 40, will anyways switch from leather->mail or mail->plate and also the gear from ZF, Mara, BRD are then clear upgrades to go and get towards lvl 50.

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