Fixing the dragon mount flying animation

I know this is a small problem, one that most people don’t even notice, and there are far more serious problems with the game, but I can’t help but notice it every time I ride a dragon mount in WoW. Just check it, normal dragon mounts in WoW (not dragonriding, Bronze Drake, Uncorrupted Voidwing, Nether Drakes, you get the idea) have a jump at the end of the animation for flying, so when one ends, the next repeat comes at a small delay and it feels like a stutter. I think after such a long time (the same animation is in the game since TBC I believe) they should fix the stutter, especially since a recent end game content reward was a dragon (Uncorrupted Voidwing). Does this bother anyone else or am I alone in this one?

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never seen this complaint before on this forums.

so i think that answers your question.

dosn’t happend to me :thinking:

yes some mounts have that stutter because developers didnt make the loop good.

Thanks god obsidian worldbreaker doesnt have that since its my favoutite dragon mount for now.

but on corrupted voidwind its pretty noticeable, now all we need is those kind of peole that say they dont see any stutter.

because theres allways people like that,that dont have eyes to spot stutters.

or dont even know what is to play so smooth you can see them.

The drake from pre order and the one from timewalking to me don’t do this stutter, for the rest idk, maybe i just need to see it.

Really i mean really this? It should be on the last spot on the priority list. To fix.

honestly using the lifebinder’s handmaiden for years i never noticed this

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