Flag abuse = Acc Bound 🧐

I think its high time they make player character profiles Acc-bound, and start curbing flag abuse.

Also make Trust levels Acc-Bound please :3


this so I can finally stop posting on a low-level alt :slight_smile:


I agree on both points! And fix the ignore system, i DONT wanna see the quotes or anything from the users i have on ignore. Its a reason why they are on ignore. Make the ignore accountbound aswell while at it. If i ignore a user - ignore all their characters.


Isn’t this the case already? I got Trust Level 3 on all my characters, even those I never posted on before

My alts can’t ewe


Then u are lucky, its not the deal for the rest of us.


That’s weird, I agree it should be account wide then

Some ppl have it account bound it seems, like MVP’s (not puny though for some reason) and big streamers. Dont know what u have done to get om blizz’s instant TL3 list, but i wish it was accountbound. I lost it when i transferred server and have just gotten it back after a 3 month «grind» (not really a grind when i use the forum as much as i do).


I don’t know either. I also got Alpha in the first wave so I could indeed be on some list, but I didn’t know about the streamers/mvp thing with trust level 3. I thought I just got it automatically at some point, and thought it was neat that it was account wide.

Just seeing what I can and can’t post on an alt - https://twitter.com/punyelf

Ah maybe its the alpha invite then. Guess we’ll never know :sweat_smile:

I am regular trust level on that other punyelf so maybe some changes have come in.

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Regular means trust level 3



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Maybe because u’re in alpha?

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Yeah maybe they’ve changed something so it’s account bound now.

I wasn’t expecting my link to post and I don’t really use alts on the forums.

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That is possible.

I don’t think it has to do with Alpha. My US forum account doesn’t have trust level 3 but I can post in the Alpha forums there

You should only be able to post in the general alpha forums on US and EU. You need Alpha to post feedback in the specific sections.

I have Alpha, I know that you can’t post in the Alpha General Discussion forums in the US Forums without Alpha, not sure how it is in the EU forums.