(flagged for deletion)

Hi all!

I’m a veteran MMO gamer with years and years of experience playing WoW at every level. I’m back from a hiatus and I’d like to find a cozy place to stay! I like to hone my gaming, but I would prefer to work on my social skills first and foremost. You know, networking!

Shaman Solo-Main

Any of the shaman specs are on the table, though when I’m left to my own devices I stick to Enhancement. Someday, they’ll add the Shaman Tank spec and there will be much rejoicing!

Experienced in Everything

:ballot_box_with_check: KSH-level M+ — Yet to earn KSH this season
:ballot_box_with_check: Mythic raiding
:ballot_box_with_check: Helping out (Officer, Theorycrafting, & RL experience)
:ballot_box_with_check: Casual rated PvP (1.8k)
:ballot_box_with_check: RP (an AD denizen)

What I’m looking for (any of the below):

  • An active guild.
    • Bonus if it’s newly-founded!
  • An international guild.
  • A guild with an empty spot in the social circle.
  • Good friends with whom to do the hardest content.
  • Mythic raids and similar content are a plus, but not required!
    • Also do not care about parses at all, I’m chill!

My ideal playtime is 19-22 ST, though I can be flexible.

If you’d like to have a chat, please find me on Discord as ludologic
(I rarely check the forum here)

Hey dude we have been looking for a shaman tank for years !! check us out

Victory or Debt - 8/8hc - 3/8myth

We’re an English speaking guild with European members - we try not to take ourselves too seriously and have the primary goal of getting AOTC each major content patch.

Guild Identity & Effort:
We’re a guild that enjoys steady progression and are very much aligned in terms of our attitude being “bring the player”. We don’t place restrictions on class/spec combinations nor do we require logs should you wish to join us. We are a one day a week guild due to IRL responsibilities - we typically do a full clear once a raid is on farm status and aim to be as swift as possible so as to respect everybody’s time.

Raiding & Progression:
Victory or Debt aims for AOTC with an open roster until we have a sufficient raid signups. This means no logs or application process - just sign up to raid in Discord.

Trial members have a trial period of two weeks - after which you’ll be seen as equal with other raiders and may roll alongside everybody.

Progression is the true goal, with loot as a happy second - our progression raids allow you to learn the fights, get XP in the raid and be in Discord with a pretty chill vibe.
Currently recruiting DPS for our main raid team but all roles welcome.

Raid Wednesdays from 7-11 pm GMT.

Raiderio - Victory or Debt - Thunderhorn
Discord - 8YYnWU6H
Hazedeadz - Discord
Hazent#2237 Bnet