Flame me all you like. 2v2 is just War Healer War Healer War Healer

Wait what does damp have to do with anything when wars survivability has to do with flat damage reductions? :thinking:

we are talking about arena not world pvp? in damp healer cannot save vs combust damage

Healer can’t save you against it, but parry+rally+defstance+line of sighting once the stun is over definitely can. GL surviving to 70% damp against arms-healer as a fire mage anyways

theres never a time when u would have both rally+parry vs fire mage since u have to rotate but anyway u die in the hoj/chastise stun alone 100-0 so parry does nothing once u come out of it at 5% hp

absolute bull***

If warrior were that easy to kill, they wouldn’t be in virtually every comp. I’ve literally just finished fighting a Warrior in 2s who pressed Condemn 72 times and it did 45.9% of his total damage.

Warriors need to heavy heavy nerf. both damage and utility wise.

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That isn’t really fair, a class needs 2 out of 3 of Offense/Defense/Utility to work. Right now warriors have 3/3 wich is why they’re broken, either tune their cooldowns down, less stuns, less spell reflect, less movement etc OR reduce their damage on condemn, sharpen blade etc

But don’t nerf both, or the class is just dead

Let me reword this. They need heavy damage nerf to Condemn. Or be pruned Utility wise.

Right now. Condemn warriors are spamming the ability 2 to 3 times more than any other ability and each time it’s cast, they leap up to 15 yards. Making them unkitable. And since it’s spell damage, it hits for 5-6k regardless of your armour. I’ve been hit over 17k with this spell.

On the other hand, Bastion Warrior just Spear you every 1 minute, hit you with double empowered Mortal Strike Bladestorm and are completely uncounterable. However outside of that 1 minute they are far more manageable as they aren’t zooming across the map.

On top of this. they have multiple defensive cool-downs for themselves and partners.

So you nerf the damage. they become dampening bots. You nerf there utility, they will have to buff the damage output. Reality is. They need to lose a little bit from either side to bring them into the game. Little bit less damage output. little bit less utility. Nerfing one heavy isn’t a good way to deal with them.

Removing Death Sentence would instantly balance Condemn and making Bastion spear pull the target in every 3 seconds as opposed to every 1 second to allow counter-ability would fix that.

Make them drop defensive stance when using Blade Storm or Avatar and double the cool-down of Intervene. and then you have a balanced Warrior.

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I agree, their utility needs a heavy nerf, the damage is only a problem because they have effectively infinite utility to rotate through since they’re all on such a low cooldown.

I agree with that, but whenever you mention how bad is your spec/class you are getting swarmed by 3head players explaining you how your class is best it ever have been and mes got 3 k on frost dk therefor there being 39 unholy dk above 2k+ cr is fine and i should reroll to frost when even frost has meh representation.

Most ppl don’t enjoy playing frost btw, that spec is like fury warrior with 3 key rota without cds.

yeah, warriors need a nerf but so do fire m ages

The reason people dumpster DKs for wanting buffs, is because you have a very viable spec already, and a lot of other classes dont get to have 2 viable dps specs at the same time.

Whenever warriors ask for fury buffs, they get the exact same treatment “HUEHUEHUE ARMS IS OP” but a lot of them actually dont enjoy arms, and I’ve seen the same with Warlocks asking for Demo buffs, so why should DK be any different? (Especially when a lot of the DKs asking for UH buffs lately, have done the stated above)

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Based on what are you saying that dk has 2 viable spec. I understand why frost is viable,but how did you manage to make unholy viable spec. Skillcapped puts it in C tier, supatease puts it in B tier. I watch arenamate stats and there are 39 unholy players above 2 k. There is no reason to play unholy over frost.

Why should it be different for fury players who ask for buff compared to dk players you ask . Because if arms is at least S tier frost is A. Which means life is easier as arms warrior, especially if you are using lfg like most of us. If frost is so good why there are 1136 arms warriors above 2000cr compared to 312 frost. Since when fotm rolling isn’t a thing.
I know that representation isn’t describing how good is spec in whole picture, but what does then. Good player can reach a certain rate on every spec prolly, but for some specs life is way easier compared to others. No one says that unholy is viable besides forum warriors who have a personal hate against dks.

No, I am saying is, why should DK get UH buffs when they already have a viable dps spec, that’d mean they have 2, which other classes rarely get.

Because a lot of DKs dont enjoy playing frost (Despite how strong it is in 3s) and if we’re gonna get into representation, Warrior has always had more representation than DK, even in times where they weren’t strong or fun to play.

Ontop of that, Warrior brings a lot to the table, kitwise. In other words, they fit into more comps than DK which typically does not bring much, and never really has.

I dont think I’ve seen many state UH is super viable, not even warriors, what I see in general is players overall being super fed up with DKs spamming for buffs, while evidently being more than viable for ladder play, but still whining for UH buffs, when there’s classes that are way worse off.

Because unholy always had more playerbase compared to frost in my memory and so had arms. When do you remember last time arms warriors being forced to play fury, because they had no choice?

Hmm, you want BfA Warrior back, when we were getting killed by gushing stack rogues because they used to throw us something, shiruken from 20 yards with a slow poison attached to it ?

Warrior is fine, there is no need to any nerf. We got hit hard by Rally nerf already, considering all powerful specs and classes around, there is nothing wrong with Warrior.

Only thing I can expect a nerf is, Balance convoke. Mages are under check now, they are not immortal, Rogues require brain now they are okay, 1 minute rally is no more so Warriors are killable too not foolproof like it used to, you could just spam rally every go and not die in the past.

Your utility needs a nerf too. You have insta heals, thorns which is a literal bop unless it is purged, you have insta root, cyclones, 3 different stuns, leaps, bear form and hp regen, instant fear, immune to root effects, usable defensives during stun.

You have no idea about what you are talking about. I realized now rogue is a hardstuck combatant, I wouldn’t bother answering if I knew. You are also hardstuck under 2.1 still trying to go there it seems, you make a good team with your amusing ideas related to class balance.

Frost DK is solid, you are not,

Only enjoyable part is summoning frost drake, it is cool and controlling casters like puppets, sense of control over the game feels good. Outside of cds it has really boring playstyle but that doesn’t change the fact that they are strong and S tier.

Are you really putting frost dk next to arms warrior in S tier in your mind?

I remember the opposite, I only remember UH having the higher playerbase when it was -a lot- stronger.
And then again when they shifted Frost into being more setup based (Which for some reason, DKs dont like)

Never, but they also never buffed Fury to be viable in pvp at the same time as Arms, despite many wanting to play it for pvp.

What I’m curious about though, why do you think UH DK should be buffed when you already have a more than viable spec? There’s other classes worse off than DKs atm?

You also see this with Rogues/Mages all the time, they have to swap between their specs for whichever is best, and if they complain about it they’re laughed at even more than DKs currently. So again, why should DK be different?

Warrior is not fine, stop being biased. Condemn needs a nerf, intervene needs a CD nerf and duration nerf. And a few other abilities could use some tuning too.

Insta root and insta heals are only available after a 5 combo point finisher otherwise you have to hardcast them, mighty bash is a 4 second stun on a 60 second cooldown that eats up a talent slot, bear form is literally placebo since every melee does magic damage during their burst in shadowlands, and we can’t even powershift because it’s on the gcd

the only broken things about druid right now is clone spam and convoke

it’s also lovely how people like you always go to say ‘‘you are X cr therefore your opinion on the game state is mute’’. do you think that’s logical in real life too? do you have a political science degree? if you don’t you aren’t fit to have opinions on how society is ran, you live in it every day but there are people with more expert opinion on the matter than you, therefore your opinion is irellevant

So you’ll find excuses now for your class’ strong and unique ability kit.

“It is good but but there is that and that”. I can do the same about everything we have.

Do you know Tonycatmeow, look at him and look at yourself for example. The guy is druid incarnate, I’m sure there are minimum 50 differences between your playstyle and him.

I am personally fan of that feral druid .

So why did you start off listing abilities in the first place then if you already know it’s pointless to just start comparing stuff between classes like so?