Flamelash needs help now blizz

Agree. I tried to talk to someone at blizzard about this and his answer was:

You contacted us about the situation on the realm Flamelash, while I fully understand your frustration and predicament there is nothing CS\GMs can do in this cases as such descison are made far beyond our scope of support.

I do understand that this is something that you feel very strongly about, so the best thing you can do is voice your opinion on our forums https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/c/community/general If enough players that share the same opinion have their voices heard, that’s the best way to get things changed!

So is blizzard doing anything about this? Have u seen this?

Like Beyonder sayed :
This is your problem and should not be solved by extorting more money out of people for a problem you created. You have until my sub runs out, if nothing is done I am leaving and so are many others.


First of, in TopGuild Discords Warlords was a meme, like the majority of the Horde’ Server Guilds, why would you even feel entitled to upbring which you’re upbringing?

We’re still Top 3 Horde Speedkills after 3 months of Staff resigning, that says A LOT.
The essence of running a Hardcore Guild is not in everyone being buttbuddies and having a super social community, Hardcore means progress over anything, willing to make sacrifice to get to your goals. Which we always did, succesfully.
But even with us, as a fresh innovation (Nucleus was non-existant before Flamelash) up against Private Server Guilds and it taking our management less than 30 days to push us Rank 1 Horde Speedkills on Flamelash for a MONTH which meant a lot globally (hence why we’re still #3 on the Server).
We still got backstabbed by players who didn’t want someone ‘above them’ and wanted to rather have a Casual Guild after realising the pressure Nucleus sets was too much (we were only 5% of where we were headed and already claimed several Top 100 World Records (#75 Shazzrah Speedkill ETC). So YES, the goals we set as Nucleus were unrealistic for the players we had to deal with on that server, we pushed the ABSOLUTE BEST Core and it WASN’T GOOD ENOUGH as the majority of our Core dropped the ball on us. In competitive context our Staff never failed them, they failed us. And with us losing the majority of work & players we pushed and broke our backs for 24/7, only leading them towards being ungrateful cucks
 we were indeed forced to resign. That’s not us showing weakness, that’s us finally realising there’s close to zero interest for actual Hardcore Guilds on Flamelash and doing what was the best for everyone: resign.

Our Staff has led Rank 1 Guilds before on previous Servers.
Personally I’m the top Hunter on Legacyplayers .com #TBC.
I’m NOT delusional, I know what I personally look for in Hardcore Guilds as a regular member and I’ve led those members before. I can tell by everything you haven’t ever been in my position.

We’re people that know our sh*t, not Rookies like the guys that represent the Guilds you 2 are in. If we decide to drop the ball on Nucleus because of clear lack of interest then that’s a totally legit and smart move. I’m not gonna waste personal time on pushing people to the top of WCL when they don’t even wanna be on WCL in the first place, LMFAO (I was already doing that for a number of our former Core Players).

“says the guy giveing up on the game before hitting lvl 60”

My goal was never to get 60.
My goal was adding a unique community which Flamelash didn’t have (I initially looked for an equal-minded Guild and realised there wasn’t any) and provide them the tools needed to push themselves to the top. Which I did succesfully for my part in it.

I’m also not the one that ‘rebranded Nucleus Pro’, that guy was the one who led our Core towards backstabbing us. That clown took the majority of our Core + Gear we managed to get (THAT’S A LOT OF SCALING) and they still don’t manage to push the logs that we did in Nucleus. The reason of that is because with Nucleus it truly was all in Guild Management, we dominated Horde Speedkills for an ENTIRE MONTH and you know how many Rank 1 DPS Players we got? Absolute zero. It was a coalition of mediocre players that were babysitted hard by Staff. The reason they dropped the ball on us is because they didn’t realise that. That’s where the arrogance comes from their ‘Insurrection’ Guild which again hasn’t beaten our logs though THEIR Leader believed his MINDSET would accomplish them more than the mindset we had in Nucleus.
That should example of how much our Staff was actually capable of and how knowledgeable we actually are. Most of the people that gave in are already in their regrets, the rest will be too. One moment they think “what a sh*tty elitist not even 60” and the next moment they realise I’m not 60 because I’m hardpushing + dropping my balls for the entirety of our former community to help them to the top, understanding the measures I have to take from experience. It was fun while it lasted and I did get the respect from a number of players that do understand and fully agree with the way Nucleus was run in fact, but that support was not enough to prevent us from being backstabbed by a majority, sadly.

I quit that Server LONG AGO - as I resigned from Nucleus.
Our notorious reputation only ever helped us, it dragged us more attention and players. Our marketing & recruitment took maximum effort which was the reason our Guild made INSANE growth spurts. Most of that notorious reputation came from a group of people that had personal problems with our Staff for complete different reasons (that group boycotted our Guild before we even advertised for our first time), seeing you’re so curious. Stop pretending as if we ever did you guys wrong on personal factor, Staff that is. It’s very obvious you don’t actually know sh*t about us, and you’re just making yourselves look stupid no matter how many buttbuddies are summoned to this thread.

You know nothing, but you think that you do.
It’s easy to read a few things about Nucleus and have an assumption ready. It takes balls to look further and actually identify who’s real and who has good intent.
The Nucleus DAY 1S still stand by my side.

Grow some balls bruh.

Nucleus Former GM
Flamelash Doom Theorist

kenza for real what the fûck is wrong with you


“kenza for real what the fĂ»ck is wrong with you”

-When you can’t make anything up but still feel like trashtalking.

WhaT thE f*cK iS wrOnG witH yOu?

I’ve expressed and argued my vision here and explained Nucleus’ Guild Situation you were all so curious in, I did what people are meant to do on forums.

Why are you guys even here? Legit question.


You guys are just leeches, hell this thread itself is based on an ignorant demand.
You approach me with your preassumpions and stick to them even after I give you true transparancy in well built posts.

If you’ve not a counter question ready or anything that actually helps construct this thread, just don’t speak.

You’re a waste of breath bruh.

But to answer, NOTHING is wrong with me. I’m a happy normal guy who’s probably a little more educated than you, has a little more life experience than you and is therefore not afraid to properly post his viewpoint on things.

It’s unfortunate to see you and some others hiding behind their insults while running from the actual conversation even though I gave you 2 beautifully long organized posts of material.

From this post onward, I’m labelling you as ‘trolls’.

This gotta be one of the dumbest comments I have read on this forum thus far

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