The whole situation is an absolute flustercuck. I was on Flamelash with two characters, this warrior and a 36 priest. The Horde side of the server was so toxic that it was completely unplayable and most Alliance just bailed, myself included. I left way before it got out of hand however, before phase 2 even hit. If you never played on Flamelash, you’ll probably never understand how bad it was, and often still is. I was constantly corpse camped, the flight masters were camped, the cities were camped, there were groups of 10+ level 60 players who would roam the game just killing any Alliance player they could find, regardless of level. No honor points, no rep, no benefit whatsoever other than pure griefing. Seeing where this was headed, I moved to Nethergarde Keep which is a PVE server and haven’t looked back. Then Phase 2 hit, which made it even worse, and then Blizzard decided to open a FCM which was the final nail in that server’s coffin.
I still keep an eye on things, this was my home after all. I did a /who last night at 8pm and counted a total of 75 Alliance players. For comparison, right after that I did the same on Nethergarde Keep and counted a minimum of 2k players (1998 to be exact, but I could only count up to 50 of each class at level 60, how many there actually are is anyone’s guess).
This evening I logged on to Flamelash to farm some Elemental Fire in prep for bringing a this warrior over to my new server, which was great given how dead the server is.
A few Hordies were there too, three of which helped me and were obviously aware of the dire situation on that broken server as they were quite kind. A mage then came along, who let’s not forget was 26 levels higher than me and therefore gained nothing from killing me other than being a bellend, and made it his sole mission to ram home the reason why that server is dead.
I think deep down I want that server to rise to its former glory but sadly people like this mage have no interest in maintaining a healthy server and would rather kek himself off over repeatedly one-shotting someone completely defenseless over and over for zero gain.
I did my last res, bid the others farewell once more before the mage one-shotted me again and logged off for the last time.
Flamelash is dead. It’s a cancerous cyst in the otherwise fairly healthy WoW universe and I genuinely hope that cretins like this mage enjoy their hopeless PVE server.
So apologies if having the refugees on your server is such a mild inconvenience. If you really want to feel pain, I highly recommend you go level an Alliance character to 60 on Flamelash. You have no idea the crap those guys have been through.
If you want an interesting read on the state of Flamelash, search “forever gaming” and head to the WoW forum where I maintain a thread called “RIP Flamelash”. Interesting reading.