Flap Flap Macro Condition

Hello, I am Fraine, you average Moonkin and I am, no we Moonkins are in need of your help!

We Moonkins are an endangered species. We fall victims to many ingame mechanics like
huge latency problems and fall damage. Everyone knows us for our cutest flap animation, but nobody knows that this little action brings such little benefit to be placed onto an actionbarslot which is fast to access. Many of my Moonkin friends and myself included, have to “click” on it with the mouse since most Hotkeys are already in use.

While I see that there are Macro conditions like [flying] or [flyable] , there is no [falling] Condition.

Give us Moonkins the ability to make use of the Macro “/cast [falling] Flap” to prevent further casualties and we might be able keep flying. Keep the air space diversity high!

Cheers, Fraine - Death by Falling: 67

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