This flask is lame in HC. What do you think?
Personally I believe we need to remove this flask or change leave group kick time logic.
It honestly removes the HC from HC.
This flask is lame in HC. What do you think?
Personally I believe we need to remove this flask or change leave group kick time logic.
It honestly removes the HC from HC.
Why should we remove it? Feel free not to use it if you find it lame.
What needs correcting, however, is the Petri, alt f4 unstuck nonsense. That´s a bit too far.
Yes it makes HC a bit easier, but on other side if you remove it, it will kill almost all high-end raiding on hc, except of maybe 1-2 enthusiast guilds.
Thank you for the reply
Unfortunately, it’s not this simple. I can’t not use the flask because if the raid decides to use the flask because they are scared then that just kills all that don’t have the flask. Essentially making it a mandatory item to have. Otherwise your own group can just kill you.
Why I think we should remove the flask is because it’s now a requirement. You have not choice and it costs gold. So currently the game is pay gold to never die in raids or dungeons.
And if you think about it, the Petri alt f4 unstuck tech is the same as leave group Petri tech.
Both tp the user out of danger for free.
It’s the same logic as something like alt f4 macro in POE HC.
If high end raiding requires a way to cheese the game in such a way that you are able to never die. Then is that HC or just an exploit? The tech around Petri flask is not intended game play. But the community is making it part of the game. I just personally think this is a bad road to head down.
True high-end HC raiding should be the HC part. Otherwise it’s just normal high-end raiding
Servers would be empty very fast.
You can call players cowards for using it, but with unstable servers we have sometime this flask is only protection against Blizzard’s incompetence of managing their server code.