Flight form from swimming in water (bug?)

I’ve run into a bug with flight form that appeared in prepatch when skyriding was enabled for druid flight form. My guildmates have been unable to replicate my issue and I cannot replicate it on my druid alt, which makes it a character specific issue. I wondered if anyone else was experiencing this?

Basically, when swimming in aqua form on this character it’s near impossible to get out of water. In steady flight, when holding spacebar in the water my character jumps up and down going from flight/aqua/flight/aqua/flight form and maybe at some point will take off if I am lucky, sometimes it’ll do this jumping for a solid minute. My other druid (a HM tauren) and guildmates will just go bird and take straight off when holding spacebar in water (as normal).

In skyriding, my HM tauren (and my guild mates) can press space to jump out of the water, will immediately go bird and I can press skyward ascent to fly. On my night elf, it will give me the error message “You cannot do that while midair” and I’ll fall back into the water and go back to aqua form, repeat ad nauseam. Veeeerryyy occasionally it will allow me to fly. Normally I have to use the Pandaren raft to get out of water so that I can fly (an actual mount also works).

I’ve tried with no addons, different forms, different settings on skyriding (passengers/not), different mount equipment, different gear, different locations, in a party/solo, no odd buffs etc. I’m not using macros for abilities. Only my night elf druid has this issue. It’s like the animation to go to bird is slower for this character than the others for some reason, but I have 21ms ping.

Posting to see if other characters have this issue and hoping that if so we can find some common denominator that causes this so it can be fixed!
(reposting from correct char!)


It works if you use a Skyriding mount but does not work with skyriding flightform, at least for me. Extremely annoying, will probably be fixed in a few years …


When all the players that actually play druids and are not bots left, you mean.

I have the same issue, I have to mount up to get out of the water^^ … fantastic

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Still haven’t been able to figure out why my night elf druid has this issue and not my other druid… it’s so weird and frustrating (even more so than the cast time to swap flight style!). It’s good to know that I’m not alone but I can’t think for the life of me what might be causing this. Have reported it in game as a bug, but who knows if it will ever be fixed since it’s a character issue and not a global issue.

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Yeah, really odd bug. I have it, too, guildmate has no problems. I wonder if it depends on character race of my be the form that you choose at the barber. Will experiment a bit.

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