Flight Path Camping...this is why retail became the way it did

could be that ppl are driven by fomo, feeling that somehow they are getting a “less” version of a server on a pve server, thinking that maybe at some point they will like/want to engage in that type of activity, only to regret because it never becomes their thing. Add to that all the frustration being “forced” to be a part of it.

Why do you think i have so much disgust & hate for any one who says they enjoy PvP or want to be on a PvP server?

I definitively think you are all there to harass those weaker than you, Rogues in STV as a big example.

I was on a PvP server (because i did not know what i meant since i just took a server on random) back in 2006 and until war mode came out and it was mostly just big groups or high levels killing you.

I go by my personal experience from the point above, and all the PvP threads i read since 2019 classic was released.

What i meant was, That most of the PvP players don’t care for “challenge” and are those that don’t want fair fights just kill people to harass and be disruptive

you’re assuming too much based on your extremely limited xp. does it makes you feel better to label in a certain way those who ganked you on a pvp server? are you that scarred?

it’s inevitable, it’s one of the consequences and not the intention of a normal person, don’t generalize. OFC you will be interrupted in your quest to kill 10 panthers when a random decides to attack you.

i’ve had angry /w from ppl i fought with full hp or randomly on the mount in the middle of the road and still called names. These ppl have no business being on a pvp server

Put it in a diff perspective, maybe more relatable to you. You could react/fight for a mining node, you can at least try to do smth when someone from the opposite faction brazenly pulls 4-5 mobs for a quest with a low drop chance. OR you can be on a pve server if you’re not bothered by those things.

Considering you havent personally experienced it, i genuinely dont know why. Or are you simply relaying what other people are saying about the subject? (which also makes you look just as bad)

You bash others, while you play the game on tutorial mode and yet you feel superior? This is beyond me.

Calling it a challenge might be a stretch, but its more challenging than the current pve in this game, you cant deny that.

Maybe, if you get disrupted so much its time to fight back? Stop being an easy target and give up so easily. Practice makes perfect anyway.
I was gonna say, bring friends and take your revenge if they outnumber you.
But we both know that wont happen, dont we… since the pve’ers give up instantly when it comes to pvp.

OR, you could choose the easy way out and go for a pve server:)

I just don’t have this mindset where i think wasting my time on something pointless is in any way “Fun” and yes, I do understand that the time we spend in a Video game is ultimately very pointless, But at least you have something to gain from doing a Dungeon or raid and it’s not just an ego trip for “Hey i am better than you”

So i will do a /Slowclap, You are better than me, Congrats, Like… does that make you feel better? I just don’t know why you derive satisfaction from such a silly action as to defeat another person.

It’s a very silly thing to care about this PvP and i just don’t want to feed into whatever rise you get from defeating another person, So never again a PvP server for me.

I’d just pity any one who spends their time doing this, Having some emotional rise from defeating other people… Is such a weird mentality to me, Creepy.

It’s like you don’t even get that… these things take time, and it’s not worth spending that time on this activity, Because it leads to nothing, it means nothing and it gains you nothing.

Sorry if this comment went a bit too much into the “Name calling”, But when i think about this it just makes me feel so icky that some people actually think this is enjoyment, Giving me shivers that there actually are a large amount of people who just want to prove themselves to be “better” than someone else, So very disturbing

if you haven’t learned the ropes by now you never will.
its a 20-year old game dude.
the idea that there are still people roaming this planet who has never played world of warcraft is tinfoil levels of delulu.

i can almost taste the soy.

bro just roll on pve server where you clearly belong, avoid pvp for the rest of your life, and shut up like lmao this is pretty pathetic.

It was always open just not vise versa. I joined second most active PvP realm in our region, saw the phase 2 and played on 38:62 Classic realm up to January 2020. Then made payed transfer to PvE, because entertaining bunch of gankers, while I tried to farm consumables for raiding on 38A:62H was too time consuming. I could use that time on a BG like AV instead where we farmed Van rushers :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

However in mid of TBC massive exodus of players started killing our PvE realm, so before August 10 2022 we transfered to last PvP realm simply to keep our raid team running. Same for others they seek PvP realms for highest population numbers and better chances of finding arena team, not because wPvP that currently gives no meaningfull rewards.

This i completely agree with, and i would have no problems with you doing so if you didnt bash everyone who play the game differently than you. But no, you had to namecall EVERYONE who has a different approach and found fun in other aspects of the game than you.

I mean, you set the bar EXTREMELY LOW (not trying to be rude), so this does nothing for me. I would, however, feel better if i beat someone who i believe is better than me. Its a fun feeling.

I also do this in real life if you wonder, if i do sports of any sorts and beat someone who is better than me (even if its just 1/10 times) i do feel abit better. Its a milestone, a goal reached. A proof that my practice is showing results.

Im guessing you do no such thing? You are content with where you are today and your performance in anything(even if mediocre), having no goals whatsoever.

Some famous guy once said: Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.
Indeed, it is pointless. But you are having fun, so does it matter?

I can honestly say the same thing about those who only pve. Its almost saddening, that they choose the easy road (in an already easy game). The same routine, day in and day out, no changes, minimum amount of rotation in raids.

im obviously over-exaggarating, but you get my point.

I usually dont care how other people play, if you wanna do pve go for it. If you wanna RP, good for you. But when people start trashtalking others because they feel they are better, then i got a problem i guess.

Maybe i got different friends than you do, i dont even have to convince friends to come join. Ill just say i got attacked by a group, and they are already on their way. Its fun.

Then both groups attack eachother, sometimes we win and sometimes we lose.

You get “fun” out of it. But i guess you are unaware of anything of the sorts. Unless you get something for it, its not worth doing?

This is why i have a problem with you. You act as if you are better than those who enjoy pvp. Unable to accept the fact that people are different, and enjoy different things.
And the worst part, its not even about something major, its an EXTREMELY easy thing to avoid.

Let people enjoy pvp without having to come on forums trashing those with a different viewpoint than you. Why is that so hard?

Yes, i see the irony in me saying this. I usually dont mind that people do pve, its a game, let them play it the way find it fun. It affects me in no way/shape/form, that they play in pve(or RP).

So why cant you just sip your cakehole, and let people enjoy their game?

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actually that was me.
that is my quote, been using it for years…
literally made it up myself and apparently jordan peterson found it on a youtube comment and stole it.
calling me famous might be a bit extreme though.

EDIT: apparently it is a John Lennon quote. bro he died long before i was born so i guess that puts me in my place.
but i swear i came up with it myself without actually knowing anything about the guy.
all i know about him is that someone killed him after reading a book.

Think i’ve seen a variation of this quote as well throughout my “gaming career”.

But its like 8 billion people in the world, so someone is doomed to think of the same shlt twice:P

true true :slight_smile:

Godzilla tried to read this, had a stroke and died.

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“World PvP” is basically the PvE equivalent of killing lvl 10 boars with your 60. Youre doing it because you are too bad for the real deal. You dont dislike PvPers, you dislike “World PvPers”.