Flight Path Camping...this is why retail became the way it did

Short but sweet…rogues camping every flight path in existence because they lack the mental capacity to not be c’s, is what it is

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stop crying about it or we WILL get retail trash like flying mounts.


Don’t blame you for venting tbh

I have never played on a pvp server, but isnt this normal for these types of players?

Not sure there’s any honor in the wow pvp system

What should make you happy though is thinking about what they must be going through that they find spending their time doing this to be enjoyable

Lets face it they cannot be happy IRL, they might think this brings them a little giggle/snort but they are probably misserable creatures.

You should pity them and not get mad.

Why can’t people just fish and be nice honestly :roll_eyes:

I bet these types of players wouldn’t think twice about stabbing a fisherman minding his own business /hides :ninja:


Idk where thi happens. Tell me. I like wpvp especially with rogues but they hard to find. I play LF eu.

and yet there’s some people who don’t get why i am so against PvP…

It’s just a mode for weirdos to harass players for kicks, They feed on the suffering of others.

The way PvPers act in WoW is so close to the definition of Sociopath that i don’t understand why others don’t realise that

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Mb you try to do somthing like press your buttons\find teammates ? Or what are you doing at pvp realm .


calls other person miserable, continues to write 200 sentence insult-filled mentally unstable copium post :upside_down_face:


During October 2019 when phase 2 starter on Classic WoW and honor system was introduced we had 180 Horde waiting for us going to BRD, LBRS or UBRS. Also our flight path in sount eastern burning steppes was camped 24/7 with 2 priests and 2 rogues who chain mind controlled and sapped incoming Alliance players untill honorkess target debuff wore off and only then proceeded to killing. Leveling in open world starting from lvl 48 was almost impossible with kill squads roaming locations as early as Felwood.

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This made me laugh, not gonna lie.

I do wpvp because i dislike playing a scripted game. Which pve is. X boss does the SAME ability EVERY TIME, there is no change, there is no need to think, there is no challenge.

Tell me again, who is the weird one here?

Like i’ve said countless times before, DONT PLAY ON A PVP SERVER THEN. I mean, its THE most simple and easiest solution there is.
Why is this even a thread?

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I wouldn’t even mind if my pet would spawn with my lock after he lands. And if the pet, if i was able to summon it straight would have full life.

Yeah. Even I can kill ppl who are absolutely helpless for a sec or two. But there’s the KoS list and hey, you always meet twice. :slightly_smiling_face:

not sure exactly how you find the connection to this why retail become as it is …

anyhow there are some degen things happening even on pvp servers but rogues camping fp is hardly one of them

even if you made the mistake rolling on a pvp server you have 60 levels to reroll before you commit to endgame on that char

don’t ruin pvp servers for other with your lazyness

A lot of returning players, especially in era and including myself, didnt think the situation can be this bad.

I abandoned my era character on Firemaw because of this. I’ve played exclusively on PvP servers until I got the classic itch.

After the degenerate hordes of Firemaw converted me to PvE I’ve never been more contempt.

I realised I didnt have the time nor nerves to handle those annoying bastards any more. It just wasn’t fun or exciting or entertaining, it was just a bore.

Roll pve and leave that crap behind.

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Is there wPvP at all on Retail? Last time I had a taste of it was in BfA, when I leveled with Warmode on. As a Alliance I was always in minority, the whole Warmode was basically glorified advantage for the Horde leveling as they were around 10-7 vs 3-4 of us. Then back in Classic I see how people liked wPvP that by the end of TBCC most PvP realms became mono factional in EU. SoD has forced faction balance yet even there wPvP was hot garbage because they couldn’t balance out PvE gear stats abuse and most classes just oneshotted others in wPvP.

There is nothing more boring than fighting 100-0 PvP fights that is wPvP in 95% of the cases.

Go play pve.

The one who gets enjoyment from wasting another persons time and just wants to keep them from playing until the log off or unsub.

I don’t and i won’t ever.

But there needs to be more warning labels so people don’t get roped into these and then regret it.

Like “You can be hunted by someone for hours, keeping you from playing/enjoying the game”

“It can take you a lot of time to get even to dungeon or raid portals because people camp outside them just to defeat you”

Like just some warnings that tell people these things, Not every new player knows what “PvP” entails, Their idea might be general skirmishes while leveling same lvl to same lvl and not max level hunting squad that you have no chance against.

Just more warning labels.


why would anyone consider your opinion then?! you have zero xp, only entitlement

FIRST: this is all in your head, your own insecurities, there are ofc degens who gank lvl 14s in redrige on their 60s, but most ppl want action, what good is it if your opponent logs off??
It’s where you draw the limit for yourself, but ppl actually interested in pvp accept the downsides instead of snowflakes always asking to change stuff to their liking.

SECONDLY: it goes BOTH WAYS. That’s what a pvp server is about. YOU too have the opportunity to log in and roam around looking for action!!
You don’t have the right click and ask for a duel, you can just go in. are you the kind of person who goes for players with 3 mobs on them and low hp? or do you only seek “honorable” fights? But you ALL sign up for either of that once you rolled on a pvp server.

GET THIS IN YOUR HEAD YOU SNOWFLAKE: the only warning label you need when you sign up on a pvp realm is you can be attacked BUT also you can attack anyone flagged for pvp. Even if you sit chilling next to thrall there can be a madman trying to sneak in and gank you. AND you still have plenty of time to reconsider playing on a pvp server before you get to 60 and commit to anything you’ll feel bad about leaving behind!


Not much from what i can see. Allthough i havent played retail much, gave it a test but i dont really think its something for me. Its just not the same game, atleast not for me.

The major issue for me, is how bad pvp has turned out to be. Melees have constant uptime, casters have a bunch of instants, everyone has gap-closures, stuns, interrupt, slows.

Yeah, i heavily disliked the mono-faction servers. Luckily there seems to be a somewhat faction balance on SoD (i dont have any numbers on it)

Yeah, blizzard has tended to the pve playerbase for years when it comes to pvp. I dont like it, i want pvp gear to be the best for pvp.

Yeah, god forbid someone wants a challenge in this game. Both you and i can agree that pvp is the more challenging part of this game. The pve parts of this game have been around for 20 years, barely changed in mechancis.
Atleast the pvp fights change constantly.

Im guessing thats why all the pvp-games are doing so poorly in e-sports compared to pve. Oh wait…

OR, how about people start doing some research? I mean at this point in time, player-vs-player is pretty self-explanatory, no?

How often, if ever, does that even happen?

Well, if you dont do a QUICK google search (tops a min or 2), then thats on you lol.
Thats gonna be an extremely valuable lesson learned.

Is this not what you all mean when you say you like PvP tho?

Just running around finding lowbies to kill? What else do you mean by “I enjopy PvP” ? I thought that was the entire point of a WPvP server, to hunt people who can’t fight back or to go 5-10 group against those that can fight back or AoE spamm dungeon portals to kill those that walk out.

Did we not have the Incursion situation where “you people” killed lowbies so much that blizzard had to do emergency server transfers?

I think people who say they like a “challenge” are the minority by far.

We just need PvP to PvE transfers opened and all these issues will be resolved. Then only people left with issues will be those that caused it.

It’s really simple blizzard

I like pvp, but i never hunt someone for hours. Sometimes i kill others, sometimes they kill me. I rarely see someone actually corpse-camp, occasionally i see someone camp someone who killed their alt and is out for revenge. And thats fine.

I refuse to believe that you think this is all pvp is. But i cant say im surprised, when you’ve never been on a pvp server.

Like i said above, i like a change in actions. Doing the same dungeons/raids over and over is tedious, and dull. Brings no challenge. Every player reacts differently.

This once again proves you have never done wpvp. Have you ever considered getting some experience in the topic, before you start throwing out random accusations?

Im not saying there arent any people doing this, there are. But there are also people roaming around solo, killing players. Sometimes 1v2-3.

No idea, i didnt play much during gnome/ST phases. But as far as i know, you didnt have to level up through incursions? You could still quest in other areas like “normal”?

I 100% agree, the majority seem to enjoy pve and raid-logging. Which is fine, i am not affected by that. But what i find funny/ironic, is that those players choose a PVP server.

They are sheeps:) blindly following other people. And now they pay the price, by getting ganked/killed.