In actual TBC flight paths moved at 330% movement, even though in retail they move at 430% speed (change made in Catacylsm).
It’s pretty evident from the speed that flight people zoom past you that they are traveling at the same speed as shadow lands.
I feel this is pretty negative, as one of the coolest things about TBC is meant to getting epic flying. However if it’s faster to go from Shattrath to Area 52 on a flght path, despite the indirect route it takes, that really detracts from how useful epic mounts are.
In actual TBC it was generally faster to fly somewhere on your mount, than use a flight path. In Classic TBC it is almost always faster to use the flight path, which i think is a real shame
I done the race with a player in game. Flight path is faster, i mean you don’t even have to do the full flight path to tell. If it the speeds were correct when you follow a flight path they would move away from you at half normal movement speed, yet they bolt off way faster than you.
If I had my way flight paths would be roughly equal to player running speed in order to encourage people to travel over land more. Plus the cost would be around 30 gold for Outland routes. It would also be possible for the taxi to be shot down by mobs or other players, resulting in your death. There should also only ever be two taxis at the most, meaning that if two other players were already using them you are forced to wait.
Most important of all, it should never be possible to just jump on a gryphon, wyvern or whatever - there should be a proper ticket office in each town where you must buy the appropriate ticket from the NPC’s inventory, then run to the actual Flightmaster and wait for your turn to board.
Yes 330% is 50% faster than player flying. not 150% faster. It makes a big difference, as in TBC once you have epic flying it’s just the fastest way to get to almost anywhere which makes it a huge reward. In TBC classic, its only worth using from the flight point, to where your final destination, or while doing gathering runs etc.
That is how it was in TBC. Flight paths had a faster speed, but were slower in practice due to detours. in TBC classic though the flight paths are faster on the whole. Feel free to test, as me and a friend already did with multiple routes.
I know, i stoped using taxis in TBC when i got epic flying because of this. Specially as you can fly over the abyss without problem so going from say, shadowmoon to netherstorm is way faster on a mount than on a taxi, just fly over Hellfire and you are there before the taxi even reach Shattrath.