I’d totally be onboard with making it 25 Honourable Kills in WPvP. That way, Alliance players will need to go looking for Horde, which means there will be enough of us to fight Horde when Horde camp Faction Invasion.
Meh its only fair, horde do the same nonsense. I remember when invasions first came out horde camped the submarine, even when it was in favour for alliance horde would camp my FP’s too and the main camp in Nazmir specifically got alot of abuse during my time in Zandalar zones.
Some may not like it, but no rules anything goes wpvp means, expect trouble. We have conflict. That fp ganking, gives the opponents a reason to group up. The bounty system is the self corrector in this. Over ganking, get a bounty. Bounty on map, go kill it. Outnumbered, group up.
It might seem like wm is not working… but it’s working how it was designed to work. This is wm, conflict. Sometimes you’ll be outnumbered. The players decide the outcome.
Just that pesky imbalance needs sorted, and it is.
WoW… typical 'murican solution.
A kid with in inferiority complex brings a gun to the school, and now they gave the other half of the school miniguns.
Problem solution lvl: :Đ
PvP happened with War Mode enabled. Outrageous.
Pvp is great…ganking 10v1 at the end of flight paths is a bit cowardly tho. Typical for players with very low skill tho.
Not like i care that much…i mostly play alliance.
I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t do it if I could.
I’m just talking about design. Blizz has all the control and means to change things in game, and if a part of their design is causing people to regulary camp fp’s en masse because it’s the easiest and fastest way to complete the quest, then I’d call that bad design that needs fixing.
This is not random wpvp that just happens, it’s encouraged by the quest design. That’s the problem. Make it so dishonorable kills don’t count towards completing the quest, and most of this will be solved.
You will still be able to camp fp’s if you want to, that’s totally fine and part of wpvp, but it won’t be encouraged by poorly thought out quest design.
Maaaaaaaybeeee… but the extra fp killing is having the desired effect on balance, that is the goal. Without that extra killing, the balance improvement may not happen.
When bonus drops to 15%, the kill quest is gone, fp killing can calm down to ‘normal’ levels, maybe a slower progression to balance, or bounce a few times between balance and imbalance.
We’ll see if balance further improved soon anyway, I suspect it will be 15% bonus for Alliance and no kill quest. Time will tell!
Regardless, I will continue to pound wqs and fps, to try and help you guys get your turn at the extra bonus
They would only have to make the fp not the best/easiest place to complete the quest and the problem would be gone. People would complete the quest at other places, and the extra killing would still take place. I don’t see how warmode balancing would be damaged by this change.
Edit: Because you would have to agree with me that an Alliance player disabling Warmode because they can’t complete the quest by fp ganking anymore doesn’t really belong in Warmode anyways. Just as pure pve Horde players don’t belong in Warmode.
At least we see some world pvp and ganking now. Before they added this quest I don’t remember when was the last time when I was ganked by the alliance. I think it was during the Burning Crusade expansion.
Well, sure, it could still re-balance if fp restricted, but the re-balancing is prob quicker the current way. The sooner balance restored the better. If we get Alli to 15%, I’d expect the excessive fp ganking to reduce to normal… which is, a lot of the time, maybe just not so much. The extra bonus could fluctuate before finally settling tho.
Ye, pvp is happening in wm
World PvP is alive! And all those tears are the proof…
Lets hit the road and gank some low levels!
Spread the hate!
See, blizz listen, two voldun fps are now better protected by the npc guards. Alliance gotta keep pounding those fps and wqs though, non wpvper = wm off
Can’t wait to read your posts when they remove the welfare quest😂
I love wm! Could not care less about kill quest being gone, will not affect what I do in wm one bit
The kq item is just an incentive, has worked like a charm to improve balance. Have not seen any post on here with workable alternative. Suggestions are great, but always pros and cons. The current system has stimulated wpvp… that is a good thing. It will calm down soon. But that is a critical point of the rebalancing… Alliance must keep hammering!
I dont agree the current system is any good as one possible outcome from it is that the balance that would come with it is lost as the item quest goes and we return to the imbalance and the item quest is not a selution to the problem in the long run, not that i care about it short term there is a fix that would be better in my opinion, let them have the item quest heck add it on both sides but change the overrun buff to be shard specifik and only kills in shards with x% buff counts towords the quest.
The buff has to be region specific, because the goal is region faction balance, but also better player type balance. Wpvpers are most important in wm, and should not have their shards polluted with non wpvpers. The buff being shard specific would be less effective at region wide rebalancing.
Shards are already faction balanced except for lfg effect. And lfg is the solution for that. Except Horde have a larger pool of wmers to draw from in lfg, plus Horde had problems ending up on overflow shards without Alliance. So it’s region balance that matters, shards are already faction balanced. But shards are not balanced for player type. Too many of the wrong player type in wm, causes a situation where non wpvpers are mixed in with wpvpers, less fun for the wpvper.
The Horde non wpvpers are excess compared to Alliance non wpvpers, this is about rebalancing player types, not just wm faction balance. And if both sides get the extra item, non wpvpers will not be demotivated enough to wm off. The idea is to motivate the outnumbered, to put off the outnumberers that don’t wpvp. Region wide, so that ALL wm shards get better player type balance.
The result should be that the missing Horde non wpvpers, are replaced with Horde wpvpers in your wm shard. Seems to be working so far. When I come across Horde, they seem more likely to want wpvp, because less non wpvpers in my wm shard.
Yup, we will see what happens when outnumbered loses kill quest. If it takes a few times repeating rebalancing, eventually Horde non wpvpers should get the message.
If Alliance lose kill quest, that is when the Alliance wpvpers have to step up their world quest and flight point grinder!
exept most of the shards i come onto with any alliance are zergs of alliance(clearly only there for the quest given the way to stack farming specific wq’s nothing else). a way to combat massive groupes of alliance moving around in groupe is making the 10-30% shard wide, given that the incitement is from the item quest i dont see a probelm with that as it would help balance the servers in 1 of 2 ways, 1 the outnumbered side moves of the shard or call players into the shard to benefit from the higher % rewards(ofc the % should be fluctuating all the time then) and have the quest be for the side region wide outnumbered.
The shards are already balanced. It’s just the lfg effect that unbalances them. Lfg is the solution to that. The extra reward % isn’t designed to give extra comp for being outnumbered on a shard, 20%, 30%, doesn’t matter. What matters is encouraging one side more than the other.
Basing rewards on the shard pop would not have the effect Blizz want, encouraging faction balance per region. That makes it easier to balance shards, reducing the need for overflow shards.