Ive played the whole day , trying too avoid flight points cause almost all of em no matter what zone and char I was on were crowded with 3-4 5man groups of alli skilling up for their precious free loot. Since crying seem too help alliance I will cry too and want similar quest for horde or for it too be removed all together . No f…… way alliance are outnumbered now
Nope and it will stay Like this currently doing invasion and its not doable because of alliance ganking parties. just have to wait and see what Blizzard will do
Saw plenty Horde at invasion. Those ones seemed to appreciate payback hehe. That’s wpvp
Blame the Horde pure pve’ers, they are taking up slots on wm shards of Horde that want to wpvp. The more pure pve’ers turn off wm, the more likely you will have allies nearby. The pve’ers just stand and watch lol. Then jump around when it’s their turn!
invasions are alright, seems too be fairly balanced overall . I know world pvp will never be “balanced” but the after the buff and especially 25kill quest I only see groups of 15-20 allis killing people at FPs 1 by 1 too get that stupid quest done. I rarely see horde groups no matter what char or whatever realm I log on. And its not just 10 min, its the entire day this is going on.
Huge fail by blizz making this quest, 30% buff is enough already
We’ll see what the balance is next week, already improved this week. My understanding is outnumbered don’t get the pvp quest for item if keeps going down to certain %. Could help alleviate the fp issue. It’s a self balancing system, pretty cool.
Alliiance help get Horde pure pve’ers to wm off. The pve’ers are preventing more Horde true wpvpers from joing your shard. If fp camping helps achieve that, awesome.
Use regular mount to travel.
Missed the point a bit, and he tried to avoid FP as much as possible, so yeah he was using regular mount to travel.
Lfg that Alli gank group! Hehe, this is wpvp, just group up and killem.
This is where you’re wrong. This is NOT wpvp. It isn’t due to fact that the Horde in this scenario won’t receive any reward for grouping up and kill them or that the other faction will receive MORE than Horde (assuming Horde get the honor points etc).
It stopped being WPVP the moment one faction is getting bribed to participate.
If it was wpvp then WHY the Alliance didn’t just group up in first place two months ago, but constantly kept crying at forums about outnumbered?
Horde could say back then also: “Lfg that HORDE* gank group! Hehe, this is wpvp, just group up and killem.”
Of course, its well known there a no Pve’ers playing alliance, not even the one I see every week getting their 100 hk’s achievement.
Do you still get a kill count for the 25 horde kill if the horde player got the honoreless target buff?
imo what they need to do is update the honorless target buff so anyone killed with the buff doesn’t count towards their free loot quest
I agree to disagree on what is wpvp.
But, since bfa came out, been suggesting on here Alliance group up and lfg when outnumbered… hehe I got abuse for that on forum in past lol. But, in game seems no problem, always been plenty Alliance looking for a fight. Outnumbered? Form a group and wipe em. Or try. Ye lfg… that’s what it’s for.
Ye I think honorless count for quest, but wasn’t paying attention.
i have turned of wm i dont wanne contribute to allys getting benfits and why should i have it on i get nothing for it
Oh… If so I think that’s a big oversight. Honorless targets are so for a reason. They should prob make honorless kills not count towards the quest, as it promotes the exact same things the honorless target mechanic tries to prevent…
IF they do a solution, better if it’s a disuader like you suggest, rather than just a total preventer. Make it not count for kills on q, IF something has to be done.
If the solution was a preventer, ie invulnerable at fp, changing fps would remove a conflict system. These situations give a reason to group up and retaliate. The existing bounty system is already there as a counterbalance.
Solutions I’d hate…
I think when it comes to adding guards, blizz might prefer it makes sense in the scenario. A liitle fp would not have lots of guards maybe. But that’s if we want things to make sense.
And imagine having fps an invulnerable zone, opponents gathered waiting for players to leave it. The potential victims just standing there, or flying off.
Better if solutions make sense in game.
Turn off war mode if you don’t like it?
I think it’s a perfectly viable tactic.
Yeah I’m not advocating for a preventer, I think that would be silly. Fps are a classic example of a possible wpvp encounter and they should remain that. I like having high-risk areas.
But if the quest really does count dishonorable kills then yes, that should be changed. Waiting for single players to land at a fp with 20 people continuously spamming aoe, stuns and traps is the wow equivalent of baby chicks on a conveyor belt going towards the meat grinder.
I have no problem with groups standing at the fp waiting for people to show up to use the fp though. That’s fair game for me.
Ok, sounds like a solution… IF we have to hehe. But dunno what blizz think. I suspect they are happy if the current situation is helping with faction balance.
The reason for wanting a better faction balance is to create a better warmode experience for both factions.
This fp ganking for the quest is probably making shards more balanced, but in practice it doesn’t improve the gameplay. It’s boring for Alliance in the long run, and disheartening for Horde players.
Faction balance is not the only way to measure the quality of Warmode, you should also look at the ways it’s implemented and how it affects players in practice.
Edit: You like the random aspect of Warmode, and I do as well. But you have to admit that there is nothing random about clicking on the Terrace FP, entering Vol’dun, seeing the message “Terrace is under attack” and knowing that you’re on a ride towards pretty much certain death with no way of escaping. It’s not like you can turn around a fp like you can turn around a mount.