I’ve returned after several years and all my flight points have vanished. I had them all when I last played but that was Cataclysm, wondering if there’s something I need to do to get them back? I’m playing with my original character from 2004 and unlocked most, if not all, the flight points during that time.
Welcome back!
I haven’t heard of this effect before, but with so much time passed … it could be a bug, I guess.
I looked up some possible explanations, and found these:
We’ve seen a bit of confusion over the removal of automatic flight path discovery for characters leveling in patch 5.2, so here’s some background on the whole series of events that lead to where we are.
Players have always been required to visit a Flight Master in order to unlock transportation to and from that location. We’ve always viewed this as a fundamental element of exploration in World of Warcraft. Players should feel like they’re in a massive world with vast continents to explore and thousands of adventures to embark upon (because there are!).
With Cataclysm, every zone in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms was changing, flight points were moving, being added or removed, and we needed to make sure people didn’t log in to find they were missing large portions of their flight points. To solve this, characters exploring the world below level 80 were given every flight point automatically to ensure no edge-cases were missed. It was supposed to be a one-time changeover in the old-to-new world transition to resolve what could be numerable bugs due to the vastly altered landscape in the expansion. However, when the change went in, we didn’t realize it was implemented in a way that would affect all characters forever. When we found out it just wasn’t an immediate priority to fix. We began implementing new tech in 5.1 and (more completely) 5.2 to resolve it.
We understand it was very convenient, but it wasn’t an intended change for flight path discovery forever. Over the course of patch 5.1 and 5.2, we implemented new functionality to remedy the original implementation issues. We’ve improved our tech in a way that allows us to remember what flight points a character has discovered, or determine what paths a character should/shouldn’t know on a case-by-case basis. In some cases you’re provided flight points when we’ve determined a character’s foreknowledge of them is important to the experience, but in most cases you will need to brave the wilds, seek out adventure, and visit a Flight Master before you can unlock flight to and from that location.
which does make some sense
which seems quite random.
I was going to ask whether this character was one you had played back then, or a new one you made, but nowadays flight points are learned account-wide, so that shouldn’t be it. Shouldn’t.
But maybe if you log a character who had played during Cata, and check what flight points they know?
Hi there, thanks for the reply and helping.
The character is my original from when WoW started. I played it through all the expansions to Cataclysm and accumulated most of the flight points to that point.
It’s quite annoying that they seem to have vanished, although I do love the exploration.