Flightstones will reset tomorrow

For some reason, it’s not all over WoWhead, or maybe I missed it. In any case - last day to get your tmogs and upgrades done.


Title updated to avoid confusion.

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It may actually happen this evening already. In the US it happened several hours before their reset, which threw some people off.

So if anyone wants to upgrade for transmogs or get rep tokens with Flightstones, it’s best to do it ASAP.


Yea, looks like Season 3 will be ending at 10pm server time tonight.

If there’s anything very important you want to do I’d do it as soon as you can just in case they go earlier.


Good, not a big fan of the Flintstones.

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Never going to get that normal mog now, since they borked the last tier as well.

They haven’t been removed for next season. They’re just resetting :slight_smile:


What can you buy with them?
I think I have over 1,000 of them (never have enough crests to use them).
I’ve pretty much stopped doing DF content just now and am mostly doing old achievements and farming so can’t remember exactly how much I have.

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You buy upgrades.

And then afterwards you buy upgrades for items you don’t need to sell them for slightly more gold. (Aka they’re basically worthless)

Much as I thought.
Meh. cba doing anything with them now.

Little point upgrading gear that’ll be replaced soon enough with whatever new system we get in 10.2.7 when ever that comes.

Yeah it’s a fun fact that the scaling in this game is now so steep that merely going into a new season feels like going up an entire expansion used to feel, resulting in… well, resulting in you feel like putting any effort into gearing now is a waste of time.

My current item level is 457 which I thought was pretty good for me. Then I hear that 10.2.7 will be flinging 480 gear at us.

I think in TWW I will gear once I ding max level (probably via Delves) then keep that gear until at least 11.2 then maybe regear and keep that til pre-patch. Although there’s a fair chance that TWW will be my last expansion.

For me it’s not so much a matter of how much gear increases, it’s how often we do it. The frequency of the gearing process is now set so that we’re almost constantly gearing.

I thought that was the whole idea behind it. Open world players wanted to have a reason to keep playing so there’s a slow gearing proces going on there. Gearing by raid/M+ has never been faster though.

I think gearing us one of the best aspects of the game, so I’m happy that we are. But I am not happy that so frequently our gear is declared worthless and a catch-up mechanism added. It’s too often and too steep.

Also, the numbers explode. I literally have an addon to nerf the numbers back down. It’s interesting because it makes it easy to compare with vanilla. My HP has moved from like 2000 to now nearly 10000 in one year… >_> (Reality being 100 times that as you know - 200k to 1m)

i will do something what i forgot to do in S2 - since i no longer care about secondaries i will use catalyst to change everything to raid set recolours :stuck_out_tongue:

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