What is powershifting?
-Powershifting is a term used by mostly feral druids to refer to spells who put them instantly in the desired form without global cooldown or a pseudo global (like Dash/Stampeding Roar)
Examples of all of the powershifters: Tiger’s Fury, Prowl, Berserk/Incarnation, Dash/ Stampeding Roar.
What Fluid Form does is- it basically turns Shred, Rake and Mangle into a pseudo global powershifter. Global cooldown still exists for these 3 abilities but they also will powershift you in return in Cat or Bear form.
So far so good.
The problem comes from a unresolved bug that happens when Powershifting spells interract with other Powershifting spells pressed at the same time.
Being out of cat form + Prowl + Fluid Form Rake/Shred = resulting potentially in you being kicked out of form.
Being out of cat form Berserk/Incarnation + Fluid Form Rake/Shred = same situation. You are just kicked out of form.
While good druids find a way around this, feral being already really clunky seing this bug growing in size is really saddening.
Its no fun for anybody but i can imagine the frustration of the casual and new druids.
Again this bug isnt new, it just spread its rot to the main rotation.
It has to go its been nice 7 years of it existing- fix it, please.