Fluid Form should be baseline

Fluid Form should be baseline and it should include all bear and cat abilities.

If you are in bear form and cast Regrowth you’ll automatically cancel bear form and cast the spell without losing a GCD. Why can it not work the other way around?


On one hand I agree. On the other, my bars are already a mess and trying to build around fluid form somehow makes it even worse. So personally I actually opted out of the talent for now and kinda hope they find a better way to make shapeshifting more fluid in the future.

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Just remove the GCD from shapeshifting already. Can add a very short cooldown (like 1 second) on shifting if powershifting became an issue in PvP. It would improve Feral game play by miles and remove the need for weird band aids like Fluid Form.

Also, remove the outdoors restriction from travel form. It is just annoying at this point.


I came here to say that Fluid Form should include Skull Bash, but I have no issue with what you’re saying either.

Also for those that have issues with action bar bloat with this, I’ve been running macros that have really been helping me with Catweaving atm like this;
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Rejuvenation; [Form:2] Rake; [harm] Moonfire; Rejuvenation.

If you want it to swap forms, just do this :slight_smile:

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Rejuvenation; [form:2] Moonfire; [harm] Rake; Rejuvenation

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Remove the CD from Shapeshifting.
Miss powershifting macros.


I’ve always felt that was the biggest single hit we ever took with nerfs, from a PVP standpoint anyway, having to go bear just to switch back into cat or vice versa is just silly.


I dont think you got your binds set correctly then.
I always got a dead button or two.
Like we used to have Hibernate, Innervate, Nourish, Incap Roar, along with Wildbloom or whatever it was called.
Most cases you will play without Swiftmend too.
Feral literally lost more abilities than any other class.

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