Flying as a DH, why not?

This has been on my mind ever since i created my DH for first time and notice that she have wings. Why shouldn’t DH not fly with their wings as well? It would be so awesome to fly with them. :blush: Well this is a idea/suggestion from my side. So what you guys think? Please comment below what you think. ^^


Yeah it would be really cool. Something similar to the Monk with his cloud would be really nice. I doesn’t think that Blizz would add it cause of unknown reasons :roll_eyes:

DH is already considered to be a helicopter class.

Give them flying and they will become boeing 777

You re not a bird. End of story!

i like the idea, being able to fly in the world like druids will be fun :slight_smile:

Mathematically speaking they would need a way bigger wingspan to lift off a 90 kg humanoid, not to mention the musclepower necessary to accomplish it. Illidan’s wings wouldn’t be big enough.

We’re gliders, we glyde


We DH’s have wings same as birds! End of story! In fact our wing spans are far bigger than druids in bird form so we should be able to fly higher and faster!!

Really Maths comes into play in a world of magic and fantasy? So how does the easter bunny or father Christmas mathematically pan out? Especially when the flying reindeer and sledge has no wings whatsoever!

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We could fly in methamorphosis form. Same as Rain from above works.
You would just press Mount button, began to transform (during cast) and then you would move faster and would be able to fly.

But the devs would need to update/add methamorphosis animations, and also give vengeance demon form some wings.
It would be complicated but worth it.

Tldr: Lazy devs will not do it for only one class.

hey this is fantasy game… not real action FPS game :slight_smile:

It would be nice if they implement a quest to make you fly with your wings where flying is available.

Flying for character with wings looks obvious, but it isn’t :smiley: Blizzard should give you a possibility to insta fly, ofc not using skills while doing so to counter druids.

might as well give them water-walking ability on top of that free glider kit they got

in my opinion they should have gave them one tattered wing, and shouldn’t have free glider kit

DH is the easiest class out there right now with top dps with no effort at all

right now according to Realm Pop, they are the second most played class after paladins from level 110-120 not to mention they were introduced last expansion

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Try vengeance.
The salt, man. Sorry for not being 100% obsolete?

I bet we are talking about flying mount form, same as worgens have their ground mount form. No flying or other benefit during combat. This idea doesn’t hurt anyone. Just a pure cosmetic thing that deepens the class fantasy.

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I actually did, i play all tanks, and sorry to say, Vengeance is the worst tank out of all tanks right now, it needs to be looked at, but over all still pretty easy class

Add “Glyph of Stars” for Meta while we are at it :slight_smile:

The glider item is way better and you can cast spells while on it. This is a dumb thing to whine about.

Have you actually seen Ele Shaman?

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