Flying question

Can’t seem to find a clear answer on this. Once TWW comes out, will normal flying be available in DF zones without achiv and also in the new expansion areas without having to do pathfinder?

Don’t know for sure but think I read that normal flying will have to be unlocked in TWW but we’ll be able to do this sooner than usual, maybe even as soon as we ding max level.

I doubt flying in DF will change. The Pathfinder though isn’t tough for DF. Do the Story, explore the zones and maybe get some rep with the main factions.

Yep. They say it in dynamic flight video.

The phrasing was “after leveling through and exploring the new lands thoroughly”, which sounds ominously like pathfinder or some similar late-expansion chore list.

To me that sounds like, ding max level, finishing campaign and get Explore achievement and there you are Normal Flying. Maybe I’m injecting too much hopium though.
They didn’t mention “in a later patch” nor reps or anything.

I tend to be a pessimist. Plus it would be in line with how they always want to mess up flying for us at the start of each new expansion. Repeating what they did in the current expansion doesn’t seem beneath them, imo. The benefit to being a pessimist about this though is that if they prove me wrong, it’s a good thing.

On Alpha I can only DR in the new zone and it tells me I have to unlock pathfinder if I want to swap to slow flap flying.

I haven’t tried going back to DF, I can swap to slow flap flying in Orgrimmar.

I’m playing on a ready to level 70 char, but I’ve not checked what achievements are already included on that for DF. I will check next time I’m on and report back.

Are you able to tell us what the requirements are for the Pathfinder Achievement ? Is that information there to share…

Its hidden atm, nothing listed.