Flypaths in warmode

There is one thing that bothers me in warmode. Horde or alliance camping a flypath to pick off players one by one. All i would ask is to make flypaths secure. Invincible guards who kill players in two or three hits. So flypaths and (small) towns are a sanctuary. So the fights can take place over the rest of the map. Also make more strong guards spawn when enemies come close in larger numbers.

In neutral camps too, when a fight breaks out, spawn guards that will kill them both.

Ganks, outnumbered fights, camping quest spots, killing people on quest… thats all normal. When u played on pvp servers where u had daily quests, this was all part of it.

So all i personally wish for now is just secure flypaths, nothing more. A small part of the map where you can be safe atleast.

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It’ll also become a part of the map where everyone would run to hide at any sign of trouble - “pls guard kill them because I can’t”, and a place for unreachable bounties.

Too many ways to exploit it + additional problems, for too little gain.

For example, on Zuldazar assault, when I get a bounty but I’m kinda done, and still, I don’t want just let someone claim it - I stand between two turtles at Seeker’s. It’s very fun when 1-3 players come to get me and turtles slay them for me.

If guards were more powerful - it would be a bad thing, because even party/raid wouldn’t be able to release me from it so I could log off happy.

Raid/parties retreating and winning with unbeatable guards…


Your safety in WPvP is your own responsibility, or your healer’s, even at Flight points.

But if you have troubles at FPs - learn which FPs are camped the most, and which are never camped - there is at least one like that in each zone - no WQs around or inconvenient location, etc. Those are FPs you fly to when going from one zone to another. Then use general chat to scout FPs / WQs / areas you are interested in and plan how you approach them with this info you’ll get.

That’s it - problem solved 9/10 times.

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Agreeing with a rogue, there should be some safe place, and on other hand to prevent exploiting it- you could be safe there only if you didn’t engage yourself in pvp combat prior to entering the spot, otherwise you and your opponent will be killed on the spot. win-win.

You want to be safe in war mode? That doesn’t make sense. The point of wpvp is to pvp in an unsafe environment. You should be a target no matter where you are or what you are doing. What’s next, invulnerable if outnumbered?


There already is a safe spot, and it’s portable!

Saved me from getting killed by groups of allies numerous times, and you can also use it to catch someone off guard.


They should make the area around a flight path/master like they do with a sanctuary such as Sattrath or Dalaran where you can’t attack other players within it unless that player decides to attack someone standing outside while being inside themselves.

Or give players who land at a flight path while in warmode a buff making them immune to pvp attacks for a sort while (unless they attack another player themselves.


Why? What if bounty is at fp? Why should anyone be unattackable in a pvp environment?


Never happened before and here we are again.

I would exploit that. As I do with now at Atal Gral. Stand in bear form in someone’s AOE, watch them die by the guards hand.

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Safe zones so this turn into PvE game. I’ve been ganked too. What I do? Res on corpse and run. Sure it might be cowardly for the “great horde” players but I prefer to live over being ganked by 3+ players.


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