Hi, since necrolord for dh isn’t the best covenant maybe a bit of quality of life changes are required to make it feel a bit better. In order to kill your minion you need to wait from 5 to 7.8 seconds because that’s the cd on throw glave. Your other option is to focus it down which is not optimal because you lose some dps on the boss. Second issue is the demon soul: it is dropped randomly near the demon, which in turn means that you will have to risk a boss mechanic trying to get it. Here’s my suggestion and i’m sure this is an easy fix. Blade dance one-shots the demon and then the demon soul is instantly given to you, Thank you for dealing with it in advance. Make dh lives easier please.
I think they should instead change it so the summoned demon just runs into the player, merges with you (maybe a bit of aoe chaos damage when it happens?) and gives you the power. Having to kill it first for the buff is clunky in most situations.
I never realized you could make this ability even more boring…but you did it xD
This needs to be something else.
From the top of my head:
Malice Brand 1 min CD
Brand an enemy as outcast. It takes x% more damage from you and x% of damage received splashes on up to 8 targets in a n units radius.
It is essentialy the same but way more fun to use.
I like the idea, but i dislike the execution i agree it’s very clunky.
I would like there to be a demon, which just die like void elementals ? just dissapear melt.
We get a cool absorbing animation. The idea stays the execution is a lot smoother, it has a decent animation, i would like that.
Boring, but functional. I don’t think they will do a complete overhaul. Maybe on next raid tier.
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