Fodder to the Flame possible bug

Hi, I’m wondering if anyone has any info as to what could cause the fodder to the flame demon to be immune to dmg for 5~seconds?

During an arena match against 2 mages and a mistwalker monk I had my demon spawn and decided to hold it for a few seconds as I had full hp and no burst available. Moments later both mages unload on me and at around half health I turn to the demon and throw glaive to it, but the green tether connecting the demon to me is missing and the demon is oddly walking away from me, glaive hit lands as ‘immune’. I throw the second glaive charge and get immune again, then the demon stops and turns around like an npc resetting after being pulled too far, and I promptly die due to standing in the middle for 2 extra gcds expecting the demon heal.

Any clue what could cause this? I was under the impression that only the DH can target the fodder demon, and it was almost in melee range so I didn’t go too far from it.

That thing bugs out all the time. Often enough it heals up randomly if you damage it too fast, or I get “evade” trying to hit it with my glaive.

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