Follower AI is really bad

Been doing a few follower dungeons as a tank, and I’m sorry to say that the AI is shockingly bad.

They have no concept of space or pathing, resulting in constant body pulls. The worst offender is the hunter, because he disengages into nearby packs constantly.
They are constantly ripping aggro, because they seem to be programmed to attack as soon as you enter combat, regardless if you have attacked anything. Even mobs that you aren’t in combat with, but just nearby also gets pulled constantly.
Tried to do Cinderbrew Meadery, but after a few pulls I just quit. Even if I pull a single pack and run back a bit, they idiot followers will just charge in and attack everything in sight, causing multiple deaths and wipes.

With the current iteration, any dungeons with high trash density are more or less unplayable as a follower dungeon.

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