"Follower" style AI Arena Games?

It would be useful for new PvPers looking to get an idea of what Arenas are like and to experience that part of the game in casual setting.

Even experienced PvPers could use it to test out some abilities, see what affect talent builds have, or for people updating their UI/keybinds to get an practical idea of the changes before jumping back into their ranked games.

Wouldn’t even require too much effort to implement, I don’t think…

  • We have PvP AI from BFA (Warfronts and those little island things I maybe did once each) and the new Follower Dungeons,

  • and we have the Wargames Arena Skirmish feature from way back (you’ll be forgiven for forgetting that existed now that the only way to access it is the command /wargame) that we could reuse to allow PvP with backfill AI.

As I see it, we just need a new UI option for joining Wargames and a toggle for ‘with AI’. And whilst we’re updating the feature anyway allow inviting other Wargame teams cross-realm now that cross-realm exists for most things. Maybe even add a group finder option for two teams to find other arena ‘custom games’ if it’s popular enough?

Obviously it wouldn’t reward anything, but could be a nice little practice range for WoWs most-difficult-to-get-started-in gamemode.

We have that, it’s called BM hunter.

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u know what would be insane ?

put these ai bots in normal games and don’t tell the players


i bet some would actually reach 1.6+

i mean, if they play DH

ai bots got r1 on ele in season 2
last season near r1 range there was sp bots and outlaw

ye dh bots actually reached 1.6

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Yea, thats why theres clips of DH bots reaching over 2400 rating last season.

so and what?
sp bot standing in the middle and casting without faking got almost r1
also this sp bot was best sp, because it found flash heal in spell book and at least pressed buttons while been trained

Its the automatic reaction you and Irony make when you talk about your own spec. Its always to talk down about it which is why I pointed out bots very well went above 2400 rating last season as a DH.

Never said anything about the other 2 you remarked though.

Any pve oriented class which requires only to do dmg on 3 targets were managed to get above 2.4 as a bot in season 2 and 3

0 cc required, complete peak of wow pvp, as you guys asked

man schübert was such a legend, i just woander if he will recover from the ban

kinda crazy if u think about it, the guy behind the pc watching some netflix or other movies while his bot grinding r1 for him

then he go´s to sleep, while his bot is still farming r1 player and streamers

kinda crazy if u ask me

u mean stuck in a wall in the most obvious way? :smiley:

was the sp bot the high rated place 5-10 Goblin?

some peoples said, that whalterwhite use a sp bot too, but i dont think so or?

thats why blizz should never balance around solo shuffle again :slight_smile:

It was void elf with ‘Smite’ in his name. It was playing around 2.5-2.6 for weeks when i was playing, still didnt get banned and got 2.7-2.8. His check-pvp is also hidden
This guy also was doing perfect 0.1 cross cc when I or other player were using their cc, always swaps and helping healers with flash heals while doing most unhealable dmg. I think it is a perfect teammate, even if it’s sp


The sp toolkit specifically makes it the perfect teammate when its toolkit is used. Saw retri today who used bop 1 round from 6 in a 3 melee lobby doing physical dmg. I think follower would been helpful.

funfact is, that u wont get banned if u play with an botter, so in the theory u can play with 2 Robots on a r1 level

yo dont want real AI play wow in arena it have 1000iq and it will wipe your a** and eat yo for breakfeast.