What kind of dog s h i t AI are you using for followers when I’m wiping 3 times on Gulping Goliath in Halls of Infusion?! 3 times we got him to around 10% and “we” wipe, I’m checking my dmg and it’s 63% of total group dmg on boss … fix this BS! Cheers.
same with Nokhud offensive. nearly impossible. it also took me nearly 45 minutes to clear neltharus. this feature is supposed to be new player friendly. and when veteran players cannot even clear dungeons with it. no chance a totally new player will ever be. Buff these guys to be at least Heirloom ilvl and Full 4/8 Explorer gear for lvl 70 content.
Ontop of that. if they are in following mode. they need to be unable to aggro mobs. sure if they run through enemies. they should attack. pathing has clearly some teething issues. but when i make a WIDE arch to avoid mobs they go out of their way to pull. even when i am tanking. this is a coding issue. i mean just put them on Pet Assist coding idk.