On my Silvermoon-Defia Server Character in the Mists Modula, named Stachiquy, i finished on a lesser charm of Good Fortunate mission a Solo boss fight against the Hivelord, in 7 minutes in a single 1 pieced fight. I have in day to day lifetime no house and play on a laptop with not a extraordinairy good battery, so i can’t afford to LiveRecord the sessions i play. This achieved quest was on 23rd of July at around 23:15. Does any of you superplayers if this data could have been in any way recorder on somehow/-what channel that’s accesible for GameMasters. I love to get in touch with few of y’all and get some further assistance in this matter! Houdoe, → Kyody ← from holland-city!
This my main character when WWAlphA Fa$e is starting! help me recover the footage for a exclusive and positive fight recording: level 39 rogue solo vs- HiveLord of the Western Isles
I am sorry to tell you, but Blizzard does not and could not keep video of encounters.
That amount of data would completely swamp both our connections and their servers.
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I understand, just taught of starting a youtube account for some social recovery and development in my real life status but too bad, i’ll catch up on some PvP battles later on then!
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