For 9 years we've waited for Baine to act instead of talk

Added: It’s funny on the suggestion of: “Baine should’ve rose up to be considered honorable! But it’s too late. FAR TOO LATE. AAAAAAAAGH.”

Yeah, sure. Whilst it is noble to stand up, it is also noble to not drain content so early if the intention was the goal.


It’s a little bit like Snorlax from Pokemon, who’s sprite took almost 20 years to simply stand up :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Did they updated the golden eye on Blood Elves? They glow much more now imo.

Do you know, I’ve been thinking the same thing since Wednesday.

I thought it might have just been me, but the glow seems far more noticeable now than it did before.

I can’t see the iris anymore. It seems that they updated it.

High treason? Sylvanas was torturing Derek and brainwashing him for an impossible asassination mission (which we know is true based on Jaina’s reaction to seeing him). Baine freed this innocent man being totured by the state due to the insanity of its leader. How is this “High Treason”? Why should be be executed for holding the Horde up to the most basic moral standard? If anything, his act helped the Horde, as Jaina may now be more reluctant to harm them.

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Because, Sylvanas…

Although I’d say that some might argue against Baine because of the death of Rastakhan and the fact that he told Queen Talanji that she should seek negotiations right at the funeral of her dad.
Eh…not the best time for such talks, Baine…I’m just sayin’ mate.

However, even Queen Talanji is uneasy about the force raising of Derek Proudmoore, which makes me think that revenge against the Alliance should have been done on Talanji’s terms…not Sylvanas’.

Sereluna, what he have done is sadly high treason, even if he doesn’t wanted anything bad.

Equally as much, Baine detested Nathanos ripping into the possibilities of vengenace.

Both of them said thins inappropriate for a funeral.


But the clear fact does remain that any forms of vengeance against the Alliance should have been done on Queen Talanji’s terms.
She is the Queen of Zuldazar and she makes that quite clear to Sylvanas, which is fantastic. We need a leader with a backbone.

I’d say that crying for bloody vengeance against the killers of the dead guy involved, is still heaps ahead in ‘politeness’ than arguing for surrender regarding said killers.

The grieving family may welcome cries of vengeance for their loss. But hearing about submitting to the murderers…

But that still doesn’t sit well with Queen Talanji and she’s the priority character in all of this.

What happened after the battle should have been done on Queen Talanji’s terms. Not Nathanos. Not Sylvanas. Not anybody other race of the Horde, barring the Zandalari.

Really though?

I mean, sure, if you’re that Bloodthirsty and cold-hearted, sure. Like Nathanos kek.

I’m not saying either is good, but there’s a better time and place. It’s all about courtesy. I would neither enjoy talk of strategies, movements, vengeance and even peace negotiation at that time.

They were literally next to his body with Talanji within earshot.

Lets say your father died.

And two friends approach you at his funeral. The first one hugs you firmly and whispers that he will help you hunt down the ones that killed him and make them pay.
The second one approaches you tentatively and says that maybe it would be time to approach submissively said murderers and ask them to not kill any other member of your family.

Which one would you see in a better light?

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Did the first one put your father in the line of fire? Did the first one attempt to exploit your grief for his own gain?


Not the point.

But to answer your question? I would punch the both of them. Why are you suddenly talking in my place and how to better deal with my dead father?

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No, and so far, no.

Cause Sylvanas did do so.

You should know that you are accused of trolling on another thread.

The former obviously, but if the former starts doing something that sits uneasy with me, such as raising Derek Proudmoore, that is only symbolic on what Yazma forced on Rezan, then I will question the former.

Point is:

Wrong time. Wrong place.

Seriously a bit sickening if you smile in glee when one guy who doesn’t even matter swears vengeance for you by killing another.