For 9 years we've waited for Baine to act instead of talk

Where is this? O.o

Read the bottom. Actually, worse then trolling.

Disagreements of opinions do relate to “trolling” now. Apparently…


Okay. I’m quite surprised this is how its become. Sorry for being an… opposing opinion?

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It is certainly the point. Like, literally.

Yeah, it skips a few steps regarding grievance, but the overall message is basically the same.

None are the kind of political correctness that would be expected in our RL world. But the one showing its support by declaring its intent to help you carry out punitive measures (isn’t that what justice is about?) against the offenders, is as i said, heaps ahead regarding relevance or acceptance regarding said setting. At least its a tad more empathetic than arguing about how the victim should make peace with the killers.


You are a really sad person, mate. You should check your stuff. Like, really.

Look who’s talking. I challenge you here, at this time, to report it. I will report it too, and the truth shall be known. I will expect public apologies from you after its finished.

Shall you do this, or is it more convenient to slander people behind their backs?

Araphant is just trying to demonise further any argument that i can make out of some weird fixation and spite towards my persona.
The post he linked addressed a rather obvious case of how some rather correct thread was buried by the reporting flag in the most obvious and sad way of shutting down opposing opinions that i’ve seen around here for a long time.

And i just wondered how petty people could be to do such kind of things. And yes, wondered if the posts in other threads that seemed to reference said sort of actions were indeed related to said event.

Certainly wasn’t accusing you specifically of trolling.

Could be. But i, personally, would rather welcome supportive chat that showed someone at least pretending to carry out any sort of “justice”, even if in that moment its the most raw form of illogical and bloodthirsty vengeance, rather than someone else that skips ahead to the point of almost arguing for me to get over it and sue for peace with the offenders.
The human being is “flawed” in its own way, but in these sort of occasions cries for vengeance come more organical -and logical- than instant arguments for forgiveness. None of us is a saint.

If someone killed my father my first reaction would certainly be to tag along the guy that offered me a gun and the killers hideout. As irrational or illogical as said reaction might be.

As expected, you do not have the courage to back up your claims. I am not disappointed nor surprised. I had no expectations to begin with.

Somebody’s getting reported here for trolling, one way or the other…the question is, who?

If that’s how you go about with your business, sure. Fine enough that I at least see your meaning.

But it doesn’t sit well with me. The discussion should’ve taken place somewhere else. All the claims were plausible but it should’ve had more… impact at the right moment.

As for the accusation…

Shrug I’m just here to discuss and apply my opinion on things. A forums tends to be that place.


Sure. Everyone is entitled to have their own opinion.
I’ve already clarified that this is how I personally saw things.

The trolling bit, i’ve no clue what it was all about and already clarified the post Araphant pulled out of context.
No offense, and i don’t know how is your relation with that person, but i’ll clarify that i never meant or said what he implies. And you should probably ignore said jab he tried.


EDIT1: (I’ll add here the other answer i gave your post).
Could be. But i, personally, would rather welcome supportive chat that showed someone at least pretending to carry out any sort of “justice”, even if in that moment its the most raw form of illogical and bloodthirsty vengeance, rather than someone else that skips ahead to the point of almost arguing for me to get over it and sue for peace with the offenders.
The human being is “flawed” in its own way, but in these sort of occasions cries for vengeance come more organical -and logical- than instant arguments for forgiveness. None of us is a saint.

If someone killed my father my first reaction would certainly be to tag along the guy that offered me a gun and the killers hideout. As irrational or illogical as said reaction might be.


As i clarified in that post that Araphant felt like pointing (:roll_eyes:), abusing the report feature is indeed punishable. So i would caution against it.
But your call.

As we all should be entitled to.

Tip for all posters: Differences on opinions DO NOT count as trolling.

Tell that to the guy that got his thread buried under “trolling” flags for writting down an opinion other players disagreed upon.

Anyway, sorry for derailing this.

No, I’m telling it to everyone.

This nonsense has got to stop and it’s happening on both sides.


I am unwilling to budge here.

First of all, we all know who created that thread. Second of all, Anti Baine posts have more likes on that thread then pro-Baine ones. Third of all, such accusations leveled against people should not be taken lightly, and I myself can not take them lightly.

This is why I insist on the matter being investigated. I will open a ticket right now for that thread to be investigated.

Edit: Ticket opened.

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That’s understandable, but this again relates back to people’s opinions and this is something that Blizzard have said, they like.

Not so much the divide itself and the arguments that get ugly, but characters like Baine and Varok, cause such vast discussions, whether your for or against them.


Thats the reason why i found baffling how the opening post of the thread that someway and somehow has been dragged here, was “Hidden by the Community” upon receiving a sizeable amount of report flags.

Did you have the chance to read the opening post (don’t know if you can still do so with the link quoted)? Mind pointing out what was so “upsetting” or that violated Blizzards code of conduct?
I did argue against those that felt like burying it. It was the most blatant attack to someones freedom of speech i’ve seen in a while around here.
I don’t know who the OP was. And i don’t care.

And i’ve seen tons of posts/threads with much more dismissive and offensive terminology being overlooked repeatedly. Addressing both players, topics, characters, stories, people…

Being called out for pointing it out is rather odd (well, unless you pull said post out of context and spin it to give it some other meaning).

You didn’t point anything out, you wrote a self-righteous post indirectly accusing several people (on a hidden thread, and without replying to anyone), then ignored my open challenge for investigations.

I opened a ticket, did you?

edit: Oh, you also attributed guilt too, because why not.


If nobody on either side can remain civil and discuss topics like adults, then the thread should be locked and those who are insulting each other, regardless on who’s right or wrong, should face a temporary ban.

Have you read said thread? Have you actually seen what was being “punished”, the people involved in it, and the answers they gave?

What of it sounded reportable? I only managed to brush past its posts, start typing and answer, and suddenly…poof… the OP was hidden due to sizeable amounts of “report” flags.

Didn’t give it much thought until i tried to follow up the answers and saw that it was indeed just…hidden. And that baffled me.

EDIT: For the record, i wasn’t the one that opened said thread.

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