For 9 years we've waited for Baine to act instead of talk

Get well, mate!

Finally someone talking some sense

I would say Baine should have pulled out of the Horde when Cairne was killed. Cairne was forced to issue Mok’gora and we know what happened next. The point is Cairne’s hand was forced. That says enough.

Baine should have done Mok’gora against Sylvannas as its the only way within the horde to take power.

Who told you you woul even put a finger on the son of Cairne ? He really is a character of wisdom and strengh the huge pragmatic, slow to take actions but confident kind who ften stay in the back listening then when He seaks not nly he honor his words with actions but command respect.

You think We the Alliance are gonna allow that ?

We will rescue him or true Horde loyalists and you better make sure he is still alive and well when we come to end that masquerade ,Alliance and true Hordes unified !

Alternate timeline Baine dismembered bare handed to piece you undesertand what i am saying ? Hellscream and you and a bunch of lowly grunts and zombies muppets are gonna kill that noble soul he would break a wall on his jail and set free anytime he wanted ah ah !

I think, if anything, a good plot twist to avoid this to happen is Baine making an actual challenge against Sylvanas. Not even a plot twist after all, but rather just making sense of something whilst trying to avoid the obvious circumstances from MoP happening all-the-bloody-over-again.

Either way, from all thats been happening, I don’t see Sylvanas staying in power much longer. Baine + Sylvanas + Something = Progress in Story

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Unless Baine is used as a token Pity Card for the “true” Progress in Story plot about Saurfang + Sylvanas + Something.

But given Baine is one of Goldens favourites, I wouldn’t put all my apples in said basket.

Whats almost a certain, is the MoP 2.0 story.


You could see this right from the point she was made Warchief.
Straight away it was, “oh hello MoP and Scourge 2.0…”

The only plot twist is that Blizzard have thrown Queen Azshara in place of Lei-Shen

Saurfang Should had done that.
Baine should had done that and so on.
But how else is Blizzard going to have their senseless Horde inner Conflict Cashgrab?

The writers obviously juse see the Warchief Position as a means to turn the Horde more evil than evil and the alliance holier than Holy.
And to get rid of any anti-Alliance heroes of the Horde.

Basically laziness and easy Cashgrab.

Now as for Baine’s Character.
Baine did as he has always been writen a moral Compass that wants to get along with the Alliance.
He sees Jaina and Anduin as his Friends, I certaintly do not wish to fight my friends.

However allowing his personal feelings to control gim like this was not just Foolish, it was Ill prepared and he has now endangered his entire people as well as possibly any Chance of gaining support at present Stage.

Baine will even Squandered his Chance to Challenge Sylvanas for Leadership.
With the Entire Horde Leadership Present what better chance than to challenge her to Mak’gora?
Sylvanas would had been in a difficult Sitaution, if she Accepted a match against Baine.
If she Refused the Hordeleadership would either pressure her or begin their own preparations to remove her.

He’ll rot in a cell or be public executed.
Leaving Thunderbluff and Mul’gore in the hands of Sylvanas.

But again the Story the devs want to tell is Clearly not one FOR THE HORDE!!
They are Clearly all waving the banner of the Golden Lion.
For now.


Meh, he is going the same road as Saurfang. It is getting pretty tiresome. Saurfang had political clout with Orgrimmar backing him. Baine would have supported him. The Darkspear would have at least been sympathetic. He could have demanded concessions from Sylvanas. Unfortunately he was turned into a self-pitying clown.

Baine has political power as well. He is the leader of Thunder Bluff. While he does not have Saurfang’s reputation he has the position to rally those dissatisfied with the Warchief’s policies and affected change. Instead they turned him into a hamburger having an amateur attempt at subterfuge, mooing platitudes.

What a clusterf*ck…


Go back to the Nether, demon.

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