For 9 years we've waited for Baine to act instead of talk

I’m not talking about your thread. I’m talking in general terms when it comes to the story forums.

An example I can give is Kalibas and I. We completely disagree on the future of Kaldorei/Shal’dorei lore, but we remain civil and we discuss things amicably.

Yes they have been updated

What are you talking about? The fact that the OP and thread got hidden doesn’t mean that the OP specifically gets reported, but that there are too many reports in the thread itself… meaning that ANYOME could have been mass reported, not necessarily the OP.

And I can make a very reasonable guess on who was actually responsible for that… and there is enough proof to back up my thoughts. If you’re dying to know who, feel free to add me on bnet/Discord.


I know your are trying to get along a rather wholesome message i certainly agree on, but can’t help but feel personally “attacked” (not attacked really, more like addressed…) by said kind of affirmation.

Did I, personally, address anyone in this discussion in an uncivil way (before this whole derailment was kicked in by Araphant with unrelated business)?.

Anyway, i agree with what you say. With the additional note that i find certain people at this point beyond rational. So i guess i’ll just ignore them.

But, i’ll repeat, i agree with your argument. Truly.

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If you feel attacked/harassed, Blizzard have a way where you can sort this.
You’ve got to take the appropriate action.

Really? The message it showed was basically how said post was being hidden out of report flags on the topic itself.
Usually report flags that address specific players tackle players themselves, and do not lock entire topics because of it.

No thanks. Rather not know.
But i sincerely thank your clarification.

Its not about feeling attacked/harrased. I’m not THAT offended by it.
But the way it was “thrown at my direction” made me wonder, thats all.

As i said, i agree with the core of your argument.
No hard feelings.

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In my opinion, we should all take action. I opened a ticket, so should everyone on that thread. And we should open tickets every time this happens, until it stops happening.

That way, we will have a nice and clean forum. But we need to show some initiative. Are we a community or not?

Thats what he does to my opinions recently as I observed which is sad.

A guy who is avoiding opinions and picks up on the ones he CAN dispute is just a sad sad man.

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To ensure that rational discussions take place, fill your boots…but in your own time /Mr Moseby strict tone.


If a thread receives a lot of reports (can be any post in the thread, as long as multiple posts get reported a lot of times), the thread might be unlisted/locked without a moderator taking action. That is what happened.

Sure, although you’re really missing out on something interesting.

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Baine never said anything about surrender. He only proposed negotatioms. Considering the situation, that was a completely reasonable suggestion. It was also done in response to a military status update, and not part of the funeral proceedings.

Rastakhan was not murdered. He was a valid military target and chose to die rather than surrender. Using a funeral to stoke up unjust rage for your own selfish ambition is disgusting behaviours.

Stoking up wishes for retaliation when the war is surely lost you is mistreating your allies. It does not matter what the Zandalari might want, if the Horde cannot deliver. Sometimes, you just have to accept you lost.

Is it? Said opening post has the following message:

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

I mean, i already imagined what you are clarifying but the general impression is that its not what happened there. At least regarding the notification it has.

Again, rather not. At this point i’m beyond tired of any kind of accusation.


Unless you are the one making it, obviously.

Given how “justice” works in the horde the fact he is in jail probley means he wont be killed.
Because if he was to be exicuted they would have done so already.
The horde doesnt do the whole going to court part.
They just declare you guilty and kill you.

Still being left to sylvanas tender care probley makes him wish he was dead.

Would killing baine please the horde players?
Would it piss of the tauren and cause internal strive.
I think the only reason he is alive is because his death would turn the tauren against sylvanas.
She claims garrosh was an amature.
She shoud know(And if bfa didnt keep making her dumb would know) how to play public relations.

Tho small part of me hope you get to kill him so you dont have to suffer him any longer.
A larger part of me wants him as your warchief so you can feel how alliance players feel under andiun.
Can i truly wish suchs a horrible fate on the horde?

Meaby sourefang breaks him out.

Personal i hope baine will be replaced by someone who accauly has a reason to remain loyal to the horde.
Common blizzard if your going to make the horde villians atleast do them the favor of showing why there leaders go along with sylvanas.

I really like to know what Lor’themar is doing.
Blood elves are seemingly missing from alot of quests.

Well, what we learn after Baine’s arrest, Lor’themar is aware of the darker lengths Sylvanas is going to.

I personally would like to see friction between the Blood Elves and Forsaken. Still work together, but have a simmering tension. It could really development the characters of the blood elves and forsaken really well.

It beats the blandness of Lor’themar just being a Sylvanas puppet because of pre-third war life.

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Garrosh should’ve beheaded him for treason. Sylvanas will regret not doing that.

Damn! Someone actually put it into words.


I couldn’t agree more! Treason is never the answer when your faction has internal problems. Hence why Vol’jin got what he deserved eventually when a shadowy force of Death made sure he lost his life as gruesome as it could get that day!

That’s why I find Saurfang’s actions in the Teldrassil attack proposterous! He wouldn’t have disobeyed his Warchief like that? Just end Malfurion and be done with it. It was even Saurfang himself who planned the freaking campaign and specifically gave the orders to put the Arch-Druid on the top of the kill-list.

If you have a problem with your Warchief, the Horde has mechanicsm for that aswell. But if you are like Vol’jin, a traitor and a coward who did not dare enter a duel honorably, then you just undermine your Warchief at every turn and then strike a bargain with the Horde’s greatest enemies.

Such treasonous actions can only be punishable by death. Then maybe, if you’re lucky, she’ll give you a second chance to serve and raise your bones as Forsaken!
That isn’t a chance everyone deserves though, maybe only Saurfang.

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You know what. I just got up to date with the whole war campaign.

It’s pretty uninspired, honestly.

I don’t want them to do a ‘Sylvanas had good intentions all along’ bs, but I don’t want to see another Garrosh either.

Give us a good plot twist, for god’s sake. Throw us a curve ball. Do something unique and original.

Please, Blizzard? Pretty please?


I’ll be back later took so long to read all of the good posts that I am out of time now.
Work Calls​:mask::sneezing_face:
And I have a bad Cold.

Laters people.