For the Dark lady!

No. The problem with The Maw is that it is in a way, starved. Look at what’s happening to all the other zones when they face some short anima shortage - all of them crumble. Some of them crumble literally, as we saw in Revendreth. Can you imagine a zone being starved of anima for the entirety of existence? What would become of it?

Souls should be left to flow to their natural state. All these artificial systems that do not even allow you to make a choice in life or in death should be destroyed. The Kyrians, the Venthyr, the Night Fae, all of them thrive on sucking out our anima. The Venthyr are obviously vampiric, but the rest are no different. All of them want our anima, and all of them will force our souls to serve them if their Purpose allows it.

This is not a natural system. Naturally all souls go to The Maw, and you can bet The Maw not starved of anima is completely different. Maybe… The Maw is the place living souls go to be purified so they can be reborn. And that’s an affront to The Titan’s mission of protecting all life. It’s an acknowledgement Death must exist. So they helped create a system that traps souls just to make sure no souls are reborn. Ever. And it all must come down.

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I kinda already mentioned why

I mean… her audience are mostly Blood elves and Undead. Why would she say Quel’dorei

Most cringy character ever seen on World of Warcraft. Whatever we gona tickle her soon on raid see you there looser

Sylvanas fans are like the Vegans of the WoW community, they constantly need to tell they’re fans of the character when nobody ask for it.

This is why people don’t like y’all.

Coping reached levels beyond the stratosphere.

An irritating, whiny elf that was surprised that her tactics of running away and hiding behind magical gates failed to stop the advance of a tireless undead army? Or the one that did a powerslide straight into Frostmourne?

Sounds like classic andies. Yeah, there is definitely a pattern!

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See, that was the part I never really understood
It wasn’t that big of an army
Even with the death knights, necromancers, abominations, crypt fiends, gargoyles, and frost wyrms Arthas brought back from Northrend
A decent pack of Worgen and the Greymane Wall stopped them after all from taking Gilneas, they needed a Cataclysm to shatter the Wall and Gilneas to achive anything!
Yes, it was an inside job, yes, for some reason, the protectors and guardians of Life itself, Alexstrasza’s brood (with a keen sense aimed for death and life) forgot to show up and burn the undead and yes, the army was relentless
But even if it was boosted by the fallen kingdom’s deads, the Elves fought against the Trolls for not years, not dozen of years, not houndred of years… thousands of yeras! Basically from since the rise of Quel’thalas
The Elves should have crushed the Scourge led by a whiny ex-paladin kid, who never was a tactical genius to begin with… (and no, the Lich King aka. Ner’zhul wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer either, the smartest of the bunch was Kel’thuzad that time playing Obi-one’s ghost “advising” his king)


Not to mention, Kael’thas with 10% of what was left of the Blood Elves still managed to give trouble to both the Alliance, the Horde and the Shatar while Sylvanas with Quel’thalas army on full force still managed to get beaten by a guy with little strategic experience who marched into literally a straight line (the death scar) with this flanks exposed through the whole thing to a bunch of Elves whose specialty is fighting in Woods. Good job Sylvanas.

Sylvanas wasn’t a good general now that I think about it. During the meeting with Arthas she basically gave him instructions.

“You will never enter, the second gate can only be opened with a special key”

Bruh…might as well join Dar’khan you traitor

And let’s not talk about the fact she literally slide into Arthas sword. :rofl:

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