For the Dark lady!

Remember Sylvanas not for what she has become, but what she was.



She did not became something bad actually.
Its world of WARcraft and there should be WAR inside it not unicorns and rainbows.

Also we dont know yet whats her plan and why she is playing everybody, when the story ends she is going to become illidan n2, as illidan himself sacrificed a few nelfs to get power and save us all same with Sylvanas.

For Sylvanas.
DEATH to the living. :rofl:


Don’t make me bite you.

Sylvanas is bad and should die again


She spelt it out. Her plan is to destroy Fate itself. Her plan is obviously to destroy the tyrannical forces of the light, the titans and all the structures, including the Shadowlands, that exist to sap our anima, to feed off of our souls. She wants us to be able to determine our fate. This world is a prison, mate. In this world you cannot make a choice, all choices are made for you. In this world, you are destined to remain alive until the grand forces decide you have enough anima and are permitted to die. In this world, The Light forces its will on the people, and in this world people are waking up. They realize they do not like being forced to convert. Illidan resisted. Yrel did not. Just wait until we meet Elune. I think that’s when we will get the reveal that the Titans are villains, who lied to Elune and made her abandon her family.


I think in Shadowlands we have a theme of reconciliation of trauma - this is happening very overtly in Bastion and Revendreth. Everyone in Bastion is traumatized and everyone in Revendreth is exploited. Both have rituals to break souls, and maybe these rituals aren’t that good. From what I heard, the Forsworn will join the Kyrians, which is literally reconciling with the trauma. In Ardenweald, the trauma is obviously the Snow Kween and her sister, and we can already see how it will be reconciled. In Maldraxxus, it is Draka, she lost her child and she’s about to meet him again.

Kael’Thas and Lady Vasj too

And ultimately, Sylvanas and Arthas. I wouldn’t be surprised if their meeting is a fully rendered cinematic. We’re building up to it. Both Sylvanas and Arthas are heavily traumatized, with their trauma being largely inflicted by the other. There’s a lot of healing that needs to be done. And it will be done, because that’s the idea of the story of the entire expansion.

This is one of the rare expansions where it looks like Blizz has a core idea running through the entire story and I really, really like it.


Can’t wait for her return.

Yes, I am talking about Azshara.


Ok She will be remembered as such a shallow soul, I woud have never believe elven would be so self centered, egoist and evil : I played with fire against the scourge and finished as an undead so all life forms especially those who have a couple years to live and a struggling life should die muuuuhhh hu hu hu hu kween !

We came, we saw, we kicked yours at home in undercity (twice), orgrimmar,Dazar’alor and everywhere around else ! The OG Alliance heroes.


Mods please close this. Threads gonna go to hell soon.

She only wanted PI, but Mueh’zala made her warchief instead.

2 Likes And i agree plus i really wana date her uwu!

1 Like

Big cringe


Nah, you know she wont.

She said she will free us all.

Now all the rest angry alliance snowflake text you imagined makes me really happy to see you guys never got over her.


A ranger-general, who never earned her position, but inherited it, because her elder sister refused to take it?


Thank Goodness she did, otherwise now she would be a Crazy Dark Ranger

And ironically, this song “Lament of the Highborne” was sung by all three sisters while their brother played on the flute. Only Sylvanas changed the word Quel’dorei to Sin’dorei


Nah, Alleria is and was actually competent
She would have protected Quel’Thalas from Arthas who would have ended up as a corpse, pinned to a tree by her arrows
 feast for the crows


No Idea why Sylvanas is singing a song about the Sin’dorei, she was never one of them
She died a Quel’dorei, so, Highborne, yes, but not Sin’dorei. Still, I suppose the Lament could have been written after her death.

Well, she kinda did, let’s be honest. She is not a good person, or even a particularly skilled leader, she is too prone to lashing out and sabotaging her own plans. As for Unicorns, I may have some bad news for you, Have you a moment to talk about Zhevra?

Probably because she doesn’t seem to know what her plan is either, it flip flops around every time they need her to do something whacky. I mean say what you like about Garrosh, but at least he was more or less -consistent- in his incompetence.

What, you mean an NPC who is so ridiculous that anyone who appreciates good and clever story laughs at and shakes their head, remembering when they too were 16 and could write fiction that they thought seemed cool

Except that ain’t what she’s done. She’s trying to do the opposite. Which is batguano crazy. It might have been her plan, once, but then a butterfly flew past and she suddenly forgot what her plan originally was. She’s good like that, for being utterly inconsistent with her own aims.
Ironically she is -creating- a prison, not freeing us from one.

So She wants to destroy the Shadowlands, even though we see, in some cases, that people are reborn into the living realms (Mostly seems to be an Ardenweald thing). Well, that means there is a finite amount of souls. By definition there is only a finite amount of souls, as otherwise the living realms would just be overcrowded as heck. So she wants to shut off the afterlife. She is going to do this by making the person who is in charge of a huge Afterlife Prison, more powerful and able to just grab more souls and imprison them and torture them for shiggles for eternity?

That’s it? Her idea of freeing us from the tyranny of life is to have everyone go to a massive BDSM dungeon where there -is- no Safety Word? Seriously? That’s her plan? Or has it changed this week? Because that sounds a lot like a prison, but with added extra torture. “I Will free us all from San Quentin Prison, by sending us all to Guantanamo Bay!”

Can she not just come up with just one plan, just one plan, that she can actually follow through to it’s fruition, without getting distracted by any random thing that crosses her attention. “Oh I have this plan, but Oh look, a Pigeon eating chips, what was my plan again? Never mind, So I will do this! Oh wait though, look at that, I just witnessed a peanut, I’m totally changing my mind again

Joined up thinking is not her strong point. She’s not playing 4D chess, she probably doesn’t even know how to play Chess, Everyone else is playing chess at the chess club, she is playing really angry Twister, by herself, whilst listening to angry angsty music sang by a Belgian man trapped in a metal bin.

She hasn’t got a clue what she’s doing, and never had since we first met her in WCIII.

Wat? You do know their whole story, right? I don’t think Sylvanas traumatised Arthas in the slightest. He traumatised her, sure, but she has since shown she doesn’t give a monkeys, by doing what he did to her, to other people. But Arthas was definitely not traumatised by Sylvanas in the slightest

So, an Elf then? :stuck_out_tongue:

Oops! You were doing well until the ‘S’ word cropped up, which under Internet Law makes the rest of the statement invalid. :stuck_out_tongue:

True, of the Three Sisters, only one of them actually earned their rank, and that was Alleria. One was given it because of who Mommy was, and the other just went “I’mma call myself Ranger-General, despite not even having qualified as a fully fledged Farstrider yet. Because that’s how it works!”

The Windrunners need a severe culling, for the sake of the story, at this point, because frankly they are the Kardashians of WoW, a bit of a running joke to anyone with a mind to see it.


Laughed so hard at MUH KWEEN, you silly goose, stop, hahah.

in the tropes, thats called ADHLAS (Attention Defi-Hey-Look-A-Squirrel) :+1:

Let’s wear her 1000 years old thong! Let’s loot that first!

Not for me though, my opinion is alliance should be crushed. She did great :slight_smile:

Shes not a person at all, as about skilled leader back in silvermoon she was top tier and drove arthas crazy. Nowadays in BFA she almost dismantled the alliance, even their king said he cant do anything against her until the classic trio of alliance lapdogs - traitors kicked in as they did back in MoP when garosh cornered them.

Blizzard plans these stuff 2-3 xpcs before, its prolonged since legion she awaits for her 3rd death. So they do know what they do, you probably are biased to argue. Fine by me but that doesnt mean i will agree :slight_smile:

I do use words like snowflake and SJW because those who act like it dislike the word.
As you know its not banable or a violation so
 Yep :slight_smile:

No reason to argue, she’ll marry Anduin and become queen of both the Horde and the Alliance.