For The Horde!

Or they act all fancy and posh sitting at the bar sipping cocktails until they’ve had a little too much and then they’re stumbling around trying to proposition a Tauren…

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This :point_up_2:

Moothilda is the first char I created, and when I think of how long time I spend looking at race, genders and classes it does give some thoughts to why this char was chosen.

I put a lot of thought into what I wanted to represent me.
The horde is a group of people that does not mix well together because of the different cultures they have - and yet they seem to make it work.
The differences is exactly what makes it work, and I find that fascinating.

The races at hand was more difficult for me because of the differences in them.
I can’t really say why the choice felt on the tauren, but in a way I still think the tauren represent a lot in me - and after Cata, my love felt on the goblins :relaxed:
(as a horde player)


To me the Horde has always been about the search for identity.

I’ve always found that to be the core about the Horde, and I rather enjoy it from a story and gameplay aspect.

Whether you’re assembling Thrall’s new Horde in Warcraft III and slaying Mannoroth as Grommash, or laying siege to Orgrimmar and defeating Garrosh in Mists of Pandaria, or finding salvation in the restored light of a Naaru as a Blood Elf, it’s all about identity.

And Blizzard are really good at making compelling gameplay around that story. At least I think so.


They were to busy arguing with that goblin trying to swindle them.

That’s the thing, that was before they joined, now they are more than that and are thriving because of this " unity " is the way I see it :stuck_out_tongue:

They cover up for each other, it’s like that I ain’t no snitch gangsta theme, I love how the tauren were the ones who took the initiative and taking in the forsaken.

I like how many horde see the mistakes of their brethren and then turn a blind eye.

I’d imagine a couple of examples like this :-

1- a group made of an orc, blood elf, tauren and forsaken just had some fight with the alliance then the forsaken started nibbling on the alliance and the others were like… just get on with it while rolling their eyes.

2-the orc wants to make the fight the most honorable but the others are like we are KILLING eachother here, you got time to think of honor!?

3- Blood elf taking too long putting makeup before the fight and everyone’s outside pouting and angry.

In short, like Moothilda said

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I cannot express my love to the Horde!

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sYlVaNaS iS sTiLl My WaRcHiEf

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That used to be the case. Until BfA homogenized everything. I saw no such interesting internal intricacies in the Horde in BfA, they were all just painted with the same brush.

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I just fixed your mistake :+1:

That’s more like it.

King is dead… Long live the Queen

No no, he is back and is feeling better than ever

Team Red all the way!



The horde is strong, the horde is united… the horde CANNOT BE BROKEN!

damn, even though I was against saurfang those words gave me goosebumps.

This is what I love about the horde, no matter how much we go against each we still love eachother.

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That’s funny, because we have sharks with frigin lazer beams on them.

No because we are horde we got sharks with a friggin lazer beams and missles and a firgin dino ontop of em.

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I couldn’t agree more with what was said in this thread.
To me the horde (Thrall’s horde) was always about having each other’s back in a world (universe?) that tried to destroy you.
And no matter how different we all are and no matter how different our cultures are this united us and we will stand together, no matter what.

And then Thrall left and the horde started to break apart. But we still make do, somehow. And I still hope that Thrall’s horde will return to Warcraft. :slight_smile:

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