For those two horde I met in the Badlands

Thank you! Me and the group of alliance I was with were seriously under level for that elite quest. Now I’ve got my first piece of plate mail because of you <3

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What’s going on…? Was it… dare I say, a carebear moment?! :scream: Name & shame those hordies now, so we know who to attack on sight and camp them because of their carebearish nature!


What’s the problem?
Can’t a glorious member of the Horde help alliance players?
I am guilty of it too.
Yesterday for example I helped members of your faction explore the dangerous grounds of un’goro… Focusing mainly on showing them the location of the graveyard and how inconvenient it is to die in the crater.


Keep up the good work friend!

I sheep every injured Horde I meet! May their HP return with the sheepish intake of gras. #carebear

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Disgusting. Hordes only true purpose is to die by Alliance hands, and you HEAL them? I feel sickened.

Fuseblower also kills hordies but only when Fuseblower is faced with superior numbers! Fuseblower will not kill single hordies that have no chance of victory against powerful Mage. Fuseblower has… is no dick!

Of course Fuseblower sometimes bites off more than she can chew but Fuseblower is Master of Survival! Fuseblower makes magical bird-flipping gesture and makes incantation “F U NABZ!” which encases Fuseblower in unbreakable ice.

Now hordies with worms for brains chop against ice and curse in vain because they can’t harm Fuseblower. Horde Priest now appears and prays for miracle…

WHAT?! Where did Fuseblower’s ice go?

Wait! Fuseblower now seeks diplomatic resolution to conflict!!!