For those wondering

Assa is right now the most broken specc. Quick, reroll now and get your rating guys! :slight_smile:

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damn I thought it was unholy dk

Why is assa that broken atm? Wasn’t on.

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Did some games after work, I 'm actually doing no dmg, compared to yesterday I do close to same number or even less on ability like mind blast / spike, void torrent mind games and devouring plague.

I guess some got lucky some get trolled.

Did assa get any buffs?
Seems the same as yesterday lol

Dunno, assa in my lobby was doing 155k dps from start to finish every round. One of the healers already said it before first round and he ended up being right. :man_shrugging:

It only received a nerf.


Did all 3 of you + pets stack vs him? Maybe if there was a lot of pets…
155 sustained is kinda sus lol. Wish I did that

I won’t lie, there were an uhdk and me as demo in the lobby. But everyone was just rotting down like crazy. It felt absolutely unhealable.

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And receive like 20% agi buff vs these pet classes from talents and I guess it cleaves 150k dps on uhdk+demo pets when I see same in every 2x fw lobby with 3 melees where 5 melee stack on middle and theres assa doing 150k on them. :slight_smile:

Theyre not good examples to determine its power but either way I dont think assa is bad or op either.

More targets than in RBG. That’s fun to face. Many yellow numbers flying around.

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Demo is also currently op xd

Destro isn’t. :frowning:

true, I prefer it when destro is strong than demo… there is nothing worse than a Ai spec beeing good/op

Destro relied too much on the set, thats why im not a fan of the pve sets in pvp, especially when they decide to make your class good, or bad

You must be single handedly the most whiny guy out there, I can feel you are a tiny wimpy guy irl

I don’t know how this is relevant here but yeah, it is. :smiley:

Unless it can do completely broken damage without two pet classes in the same match, your post seems pretty disingenuous…

i mean demo was completely broken s1 s2 it was ok 3 destro giga broken and affli and on top demo and even that didnt carry bloodlock and now its op again lets see his excuses this time prolly ferla is 2 op so he cant finish glad.

EVERYTHING ELSE OP PLS NERF Destro is b tier only “in your mind”

there wasnt a single destro op thread from u =) cause u think its fine prolly the same mindset u had in bfa s4

you did 2865 games ls on 2,1 -2,3 bloodlock and still ended up beeing 2,1 on every lock insane when ur specc was s tier

Didn’t read, irrelevant and 95% chance of being not true. Prolly something like “you didn’t complain about your own class blablabla” meanwhile i literally did when it was broken, especially in bfa S4 or DF S1 when demo was broken.

So yeah, 95% chance of being a typical Rakar post screaming cluelessness and lies. :man_shrugging:

What makes it op? Legit curious.

Feels even more garbo after losing tier bonus