Forced loss in solo shuffle?

This may be a little strange question for those more experienced in pvp, but I would like to hear if others have had similar experience.

I returned to doing solo shuffle after a break I took mid-DF. Got my full pvp gear, enchants and practise with new hero talents. Of course, I still make mistakes and am, by no means, anywhere near pro pvp player, but I know the basics and my class.

After a while of playing and pushing rating, I noticed that in some matches I’m doing good; healers can keep me topped, defensives help when popped at the right time and my damage isn’t horrible. But in some matches it’s like no matter what defensive I pop, they seem to take no effect; I’m basically like a sponge for damage and healers can’t keep me alive even for 10 sec. I even had one healer telling me “you are unhealable” after one shuffle, despite having used my every defensive.

I have taken into account that comps matter and people can play really smart too. In majority of fights when I have lost, this is the case, but some matches are just weird. I have seen this happen with few others too, and wondered if it is purely player skill issue or is there some “hidden dampening” (beyond healing dampening) which basically nerfs one person for the duration of shuffle and they are more or less forced to lose, thus also losing rating.
Then people think that they play poorly, even while they are using their personals and trying to not fall for obvious mistakes.

I noticed something similar during DF, but then I thought it was just a matter of how well my class worked with different comps and my own mistakes. The difference between doing super well, doing decently and being dead weight to the team was less stark.

Is it the same healer class? did the healer used his cooldowns for example Hpala with auramastery damage reduction or a disc with pain supress etc. Too many unknows.

DPS needs to use his defensives but healers need to use cooldowns as well.
Prob just a skill issue with people using cooldowns wrong.

What specc are you playing?

There is no conspiracy at play to make people lose. You lose when the match-up is not favorable to your spec and you aren’t good enough compared to other players to offset this, or when you play worse than the other players involved. And sometimes, sometimes to bad luck.

There is no forced loss due to some random stealth nerf on players just for one lobby. It’s quite crazy to even think this.


I think its a matter of good rng on crits and procs for those attacking, combined with ms effects and bad rng on heal crits, and even reduced healing output debuffs on healer. When things align like this it feels like you are made of paper.

Same as when the stars align the other way, your target explodes instantly.

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But we all get the lobbys where you actually do a decent job every round dont have major Fs and loose them all, then are this lobbys where you are sleepy misspress your cds and donnothing for the win but get a clean 6-0

My theory is that people point on a player say something stupid that he is the lobby dog and dont eaven try too win with him, happens all the time that 2 player go with zero wins first 3 rounds

1 per 10 games you gonna meet guys from boosting service… client is usualy healer but its not a rule.

So basicly this game is doomed to be 0:6 or 1:5 if client is DPS

What they gonna do:
Pretend to play, for example hunter will lose 3 rounds with no client healer never using turtle, then he will play like R1 with 0 mistakes with other healer. skill suddenly jumps from noob to R1

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