who thought it was a good idea to be able to use divine shield during forebearance? I am not speaking about pve, I am referring to pvp. Not only can the hammer of light crit for 2m to 2.5m, now they can also use divine shield on top of lay on hands? xD Worse hand of protection over divine shield.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not calling the class op as a whole, far from it, pala ain’t op rn, but there are better ways to fix that rather than giving it free divine shield? Whole point of forebearance is to put a timer between cheat death mechanics, if we are giving them for free, can we make it so we can spam ice blocks now?
Not really how it works. LoH or BoP/BoSW needs to be used before Divine Sheild.
DS still causes forbearance and only DS can be used while having forbearance.
Tbh i agree and would rather they moved away from this path of long time total immunity VS whatever you face and give actual but small tools to deal with other classes counters.
Dont like the shortening of forbearance talent either. These kinds of talents shouldnt be in the game to begin with. Its a cheap way to deal with the specs designed shortcomings and makes it very frustrating and unfun to play against.
10 sec of physical/magical immunity followed by 8 sec of total immunity followed by only 20 sec window til a 100% heal.
I know but what I meant is, the fact LoH is now immunue to healing reduction and divine shield being able to be used RIGHT AFTER LoH or BoP is quite annoying x’D perhaps I worded it wrong.
LoH has never been designed well. Took what, 14+ years untill it could be used in arenas and i think only at 70% at that + MS debuff + healing reduction over game time not to mention the forbearance debuff.
Use it at the start of a game you locked yourself out of bubble, use it mid game or later and it had the power of a Flash heal at best on a 10 min CD.
We are moving closer and closer back to a Cata ret, ppl will complain that they have to kill a ret 3+ times to get one down. Not thinking that they CAN kill a ret 3 times while a ret will have a hard time killing them once.
The above part is said with the assumption that we will get a hefty dmg nerf in pvp sooner or later.
Edit: But giving us so many powerfull deff CDs that can now be used in short intervals is the lazy way to go about with Ret. Instead of giving ret new tools to fight with they buff vanilla era toolkit. The very same that keeps us from getting new things.
Its weird that we use 2 recources to do our selfhealing and one of them is finite. I mean this is designing ret backwards, while everyone else moves away from mana we go back to it, a Vanilla-ish design?
While ALL new classes after WotlK are hyper mobile (and im fairly sure any new class they add will be so aswell) and most old classes gets more and more mobility tools, CCs, slows/roots etc, Rets get none of it.
Just updated vanilla era toolkit.
Rets are moving backwards! The wheelchair Rets sit in is not moving towards a target!
yes and no, while ret isn’t great against some classes it can work well, specially with the horse+freedom, plus shields plus stuns and blinds, and what not. 2,5m on hammer of light isn’t to be taken lightly. xD that being said sure on my mage I can eat em up, fairly easily.
Jist of it is, wish they would just put some thought on to it, it is frustrating to play rest against a clas that can eat you despite your defensives, and it is frustrating to play against ret on a class that can’t quite kite em and seeing them survive all.
Outside of freedom horse. Pala mobility is still pretty poor. Particularly against mages and spamable slows / spell steal / 3 blinks, alter time, nova, blast wave….
I’ve started playing mage recently too and the biggest issue is simply a lack of raw damage. Pala damage is actually being slept on, setup right you can drop 5m+ on someone in 2 globals.
Mage has to the slippiest hard to catch buggers in the game. But I think they lack the damage outside of 1.5m CDs of most classes.
I do enjoy it though to play. In randoms and epics it is really fun for outplays and capping
We have A stun and A blind.
Lets compare the stun to ONE of warriors stunS
10 yard range VS 20 yard range - warrior wins
Magical VS physical - warrior wins
Both on 30 sec CD (Both needs talent to either get or be lowered) - tie
5 sec duration VS 4 sec duration - As one is dispellable it can only be used on a healer that would otherwise instantly dispell it, bit of a problem with its shorter range and our mobility. warrior still wins
Blinding light VS Intimidating shout?
One is magical and other isent yet again. One breaks on any dmg and other has a fiarly decent threshold before it breaks. Both have the same CD. BL lasts 4 sec in pvp for some reason and i think IS lasts its full 8 sec. Warrior wins hand down.
Rets are currently designed to be a semi ranged spec for some reason. Yet ALL CC we have is melee ranged, our AA got nerfed back to melee’s 5 yard range from the “insane” range of 8 yard and same with our interupt.
Yhea they did an overall nerf to all melee to be “Melee” and we got swept under the same rug. But with the lack of gapclosers - spammable and strong slows/roots - ranged CC makes the nerf a contradiction to the semi ranged design. All other melee retained theirs and will get more over time, they always do. Btw our stun used to have a 20 yard range aswell.
Everything in Rets current design is flawed, they will never commit to a true semi ranged “melee” DPS nor should they! Neither should they have gone down the path of back to back immunity CDs with a short delay in a 100% heal!
The spec is in a bad spot.
Also the lack of slows ( judg slow is not the answer since it apply if only the enemy has greater judgement), consecration slow is not reliable.
And if not this we are the only melee with enha too that lack healing reduction.
Every other melee have a way to apply.