it won’t, bgb will be capped at 2.2, 2s and 3s are already capped at 2.2 because of participation, and rss is gonna be rank 1 2.2+ because everybody will be stuck in low duelist
it´s tilting, Thats why i losing the motivation in playing the game. playing in season start for the first 3-5 weeks, seeing no changes to mmr cap —> quit playing other games what are more fun. coming back in the last 1 week of the season and playing 1-2 games, feels not fun to play going back to the other game
i cant see a good reason why the mmr is capped at the start besides of leeching Gametime. i hope the shareholder behind this idea step on a Lego brick
Aber was willst du machen. die haben wie Olaf Scholz am nächsten Tag schon wieder vergessen das pvper ein mmr Problem haben.
Legend has it that a single lego on the floor is the bane of even the mightiest heel Der Legende nach ist ein einziges lego auf dem Boden der Fluch selbst für die mächtigste Ferse