Forgotten Incense is unreachable

The Forgotten Incense in ZC for the Clued In Achievement is unreachable, it despawns immediately because no one bothered to check if its in the WQ Area.

This makes the Meta Achievement not completable.

then do the WQ or wait til it gone?

its only up during the wq and outside of the area, so it despawns. like i said

You can still complete the Clued In acheivement without that. It’s just to kill 20 stuffed clues. It can be the same stuffed clue 20x.

You can join a raid group and farm them or if solo, once you have summned one you can’t do it again until next time WQ is up, but you can tag and get credit for the kills when others summon them, even w/o the WQ.

The ones that spawn at the Big Dig also seem to count.

You can also do them on alts and get credit, the achievement is account bound.

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