So I started to loot trinkets in M+ and as every one of you did, I went to IcyVeins and WoWHead to see what they suggest.
And to my surprise, the nerfed out version of Rashok from S2 is somehow A and B tier according to them. Strange. Especially because we have the “Amalgams Seventh Spine” in BRH to get mana back.
OK. Weird. So I loot this Amalgam trinket and I test it. Turns out, if Rashok gave me ~80k mana back, this new one gives me not even 30k back. Across a whole 40 min dungeon.
I find it strange that a S2 trinket gives more mana than a S3 one. But what really made me come here and explain this issue is that when RDruids use it, they get ~160k mana back. Almost as much as my resurgence.
So I find it unfair that RDruids have a 3rd major source of mana (other than shapeshift dps weaving) and everyone else does not. Why? Because Amalgams Seventh Spine returns mana depending on what spell you use.
For druids it happens to be their #1 and #2 most used spells. For RShaman its at best #4 of #5. Thats why its so low. And understandable, its a trinket from Legion, balanced for Legion classes.
PLEASE. Update that trinket for modern times.
Ideally: Change other specs spells to be their #1 and #2. In case of RShaman: Riptide and Chain Heal please. Actually, Riptide only would be enough to be honest.
What are your thoughts on this? I dont play RDruid. All my info is from friends that do. Am I getting something wrong here?
A) Rare.
B) Because technically its a DPS trinket, everyone and their mother will want it. Including tanks.
C) I wish I raided with enough frequency to even have a chance.
So… given that I wont even see it drop for another two months or so, and il get my hands on it probably… 1 week before next season… well its off my list. BiS or not.
What you see in WoW Head and Icy Veins are guides written by, and for the top 0.1%.
They assume to begin with that you are fully BiS geared, perfect stats and max ilvl and playing coordinated group content. In that case, tyr stone is BiS.
However… if you are not playing under those circumstances, Tyr Stone is not the best.
For example: You are pugging. You charge up your tyr stone in preparation for some big AoE that will come in ~10 s time. Your PuG rogue then decides to mess up and get hit by a frontal and his life goes down to 15%.
SO. Not only does the Tyr Stone pop at that moment instead of when you need it. But in addition to that you have to spend mana to heal that rogue back to 100% asap before the AoE 1-shots him.
That is why reading guides blindly with 0 context should not be done. Learn your lessons there.
Tyr Stone should be in your bag for when you run with your premades. Not for generalized PuG content. In that content, you will be spaming heals non stop. Whatever the level of difficulty. Hence, the Spine discussion.
For holy paladin it procs from holy light and flash of light, while especially in dungeons you want to heal by holy shock and word of glory. On my mistweaver it only procs from vivify which is a button you can press reasonably often (especially with the every 10 second instant vivify).
I do not have the numbers of mana return though. I run it on both healers because it is my highest ilvl and i was ‘fortunate’ enough to get my hands on one.
usually i have a double charge of tyr.
it can proc and you can use it right again if it didnt proc the last 2 mins.
so far i didnt have lots of issues with it.
overall on avg. it accounts to 4-5% of my healing.
on my mw is also easy to charge it full with 1 button lol
What key levels are you doing? Because on my test runs in 22s it was proking all the time, almost instant after using it because anything dropped someones health bellow 35%. Some runs with a DK tank is was particularely annoying.
It was also 4-5% of my healing, but mostly on the tank, and on 1 target. My intention is to use it as a second Cloud Burst, when I know people will receive damage. Especially, the first “BANG” from the AoE.
Example: the dragon boss from BHT. That “BANG” and people are at 1%… well trinket is super useful there. Not 5s earlier on the tank when he gets the tank buster.
Since nobody wants to adress the Amalgams Seventh Spine:
Has anyone tried the combo of the WM ring + trinket? How much DPS can that do? Can anyone give numbers there?
OK. Got it.
But the sunstone… if its gonna be like the dps trinket from Sarkareth I can guarantee il spend the whole season farming it, never droping. For me atleast.
If I get it, OK. If I dont… well I need a better alternative that can last me months.
I guess you have to play around the trinket and try to use it right before the next aoe to prevent just a random person drops low.
it is hard yo measure the effectiveness of healing trinkets to be honest.
I could play with 2 empty slots and might not even feel a difference.
trinket feels similar to the ring in 8.1.5 where it displays a lot of healing but you feel nothing actually.
for m+ i feel dps trinkets are probably better anyways. didnt get to drop any yet though
On my Shaman - Neltharion’s trinket from Aberrus can be an absolute game changer in M+, even in S3. The amount of on demand healing power is huge. My Tyrstone on the other hand isn’t anywhere close to it’s level of impact and is more annoying to set up.
I take back my comments. I had that one drop and its like 11% extra HPS.
Granted that ~50% of it was over-healing, but hey. 11% is quite a punch.
Now, if they fixed the Amalgam for Tyranical weeks, and if the WM music box is actually worth the DPS it sais it does, it could be the one for Fortified weeks.