Forrest trolls playable

Why arent they though? The Revantusk have been friendly with the Horde since… burning crusade i think. They should be added either as customization for Trolls, or as their own race. Though i think the first option is better since females dont look that much different from the female Darkspear.

And honestly… as a High elf from the Hinterlands, i would love to fight some Revantusk horde players. And im also a big troll fan, so there is also that.


Lol, Blizzard providing decent content? :smiley:

They literally gave us Sand Troll and Dark Troll skin tones before giving us an actual shade of green. When Sand Trolls are mortal ennemies to us and Dark Trolls are extinct. Lmao


Honestly, the only thing holding them back is the body. It’s different from a standard troll, and so far, there is no body customization.
So the easiest thing is just adding the green skin color, but would people be happy with just that?

They can always add a second body option to the males, similar to the Male orcs


This will be my first post about lore in a long time but from what I’ve gleamed, read and looked up (I did this after reading your post) the Farraki are still alive and well, they just not longer have a significant presence in Tanaris. They still exist in an enclave in Tal’farrak and likely other places in the world otherwise they would have a representative in the house of the fallen tribes. Personally I would have replaced the Vulpera storyline with two warring Farraki tribes but instead we got disney foxes singing about llamas.

It’s a strange state of affairs and a wasted opportunity, the reality is the other troll tribes should have been thrown in with the Zandalari Empire as allied races. They could have easily written a questline that involves Talanji gathering up the remaining ice trolls, sand trolls and forest trolls. It’s even more annoying when you think about forest trolls. They are one of the most iconic races of the franchise, they’ve been in the game since WC2 and it’s ridiculous when you realize they aren’t playable since the Revantusk has been apart of the Horde since the launch of the game. Infact, with vanilla’s retconned lore they were effectively always apart of, on friendly terms or allied with the Horde in some way.

I’m wary of them adding forest trolls (if they ever do) because the Zandalari portrayal I fell in love with during the Zandalari Invasion of Pandaria has been diluted to serve the purpose of the story. BFA’s Zandalari feel a lot less powerful, a lot less cool, goofy at times and ultimately they just don’t have the same raw presence which is sad because they were one of THE coolest factions. They were demystified in a way that made them look weak in the narrative because they rely on the Horde for safety and stability rather than troll-kind, before they were a powerful Empire that was a faction in of themselves, now they’re just another race watered down to faciliate gameplay. I wouldn’t want that to happen to forest trolls because the current writing staff can’t evoke the same feeling, have their hands tied by the games limitations, can’t seperate their pants on head twitter politics from their professional writing, or frankly have ludicrous ideas about how to portray things because they seem to live in an echo chamber with no real criticism to keep them check. (Like poor Elune and Tyrande)

We can only speculate why they weren’t added (along with the other troll tribes) it might be because the team didn’t even consider it which is most likely, they didn’t think anyone would care enough or more probably even if they did want to add them it was just too time consuming and resource intensive to actually create updated, animated, models fit for players. The devs aren’t given free reign remember everything they do is basically over seen by someone that’s trying to be cost effective. They’re only allocated a limited amount of resources and time before management puts them on something else, unfortunately they’re essentially paid to produce as little as they’re allowed to generate maximum profit and even if they want to be creative they have their hands tied.

The Revantusk are allies of the Horde since Classic and seem to see themselves as members of the Horde. They also supported the Rebellion against Garrosh.

There is really no reason why Forest Trolls are not playable yet, aside from the model perhaps. At least a real green skin should be a option for Trolls. Sure, their own model would be cooler.

There is really not much else to say from a lore standpoint. There are Forest Trolls aligned with the Horde, so we should get their skin. It’s indeed strange the Alliance can play as all their WC 2 races. Horde players can’t though. Forest Trolls would make this more equal and would be the ideal counter.


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